New API MetaTrader 4 AVAILABLE - page 10



Has IsTradeAllowed() function been added yet to the dll?

Also, when will your product be available for purchase?



Hi wolfe!

IsTradeAllowed() is not addeed as function because it's used when needed.

For example, if you call OrderSend() and Trade is no allowed, function will fail and you'll get an error, which you can see with GetLastError().

But you can use MarketInfo passing MODE_TRADEALLOWED as parameter, if you really want IsTradeAllowed().

It's already available! Just drop an email to asking for details.

Kindest regards!


Hi giovag!

Tick's functions return price data you see in chart. And what is plot chart is Bid's movement.

So, TickGet_MT4() returns bid.

Kindest regards!


Hi wolfe!

IsTradeAllowed() is not addeed as function because it's used when needed.

For example, if you call OrderSend() and Trade is no allowed, function will fail and you'll get an error, which you can see with GetLastError().

But you can use MarketInfo passing MODE_TRADEALLOWED as parameter, if you really want IsTradeAllowed().

It's already available! Just drop an email to asking for details.

Kindest regards!

Thanks TradeZone.

I'll give the MODE_TRADEALLOWED a try.

What I am needing this for is, if connected to multiple brokers, I need to know if trading is open or disabled for each broker. It's not enough to just verify connection to the broker, I need to know if trading is disabled or not.

I'll give your example a try.

P.S. Be sure to notify when a license is available for purchase.



peer2k wrote >>


I have an integration like this working nicely and tested (not this code). It is done trough an expert, and exposes functionality trough a C++/ Managed C++ to a .NET module. It allows smooth trades management, reports errors, gives real time quotes, etc. Communication is trough TCP, so its fast and reliable.

It will be posted fully free open source as a part of a new open source trading platform (.NET based, it can use MT4 to receive data or perform orders). You can choose to use the platform, or simply a small part of the integration - it is up to you.

If you are interested put your hands up, and I will give you more details. :)

The platform is planned to launch in a few days time (approx. 15.Oct).

hi, peer2k:

You did a great work,could you please post me with the details, many thanks!

giovag wrote >>

hi TradeZone :

I have a question about how to determine a symbol is a forex symbol or index symbol?thx !


hi TradeZone :

I have a question about how to determine a symbol is a forex symbol or index symbol?thx !

Hi qingyang2005!

In current version of tzmt4api there is no way to do it with sure.

Basically, tzmt4api allows you to access MQL's function outside MQL.

Perhaps, Marketinfo() with mode MODE_MARGINCALCMODE returning 3 can do the trick for you.

Take a look on MQL's help file.

Kindest regards!


Thanks TradeZone.

I'll give the MODE_TRADEALLOWED a try.

What I am needing this for is, if connected to multiple brokers, I need to know if trading is open or disabled for each broker. It's not enough to just verify connection to the broker, I need to know if trading is disabled or not.

I'll give your example a try.

P.S. Be sure to notify when a license is available for purchase.



Hi wolfe!

I think you already sent an email last week. We'll respond you.

Kindest regards!

TradeZone wrote >>

Hi qingyang2005!

In current version of tzmt4api there is no way to do it with sure.

Basically, tzmt4api allows you to access MQL's function outside MQL.

Perhaps, Marketinfo() with mode MODE_MARGINCALCMODE returning 3 can do the trick for you.

Take a look on MQL's help file.

Kindest regards!

hi TradeZone,

thank you very much, it did work for me.

but the same time, i found a bug: It could't get the symbol price when symbol like "EURJPY.", symbols from FXIM Turbo server(Multibank).

their symbols take a dot. many thanks .

Kindest regards!



I have an integration like this working nicely and tested (not this code). It is done trough an expert, and exposes functionality trough a C++/ Managed C++ to a .NET module. It allows smooth trades management, reports errors, gives real time quotes, etc. Communication is trough TCP, so its fast and reliable.

It will be posted fully free open source as a part of a new open source trading platform (.NET based, it can use MT4 to receive data or perform orders). You can choose to use the platform, or simply a small part of the integration - it is up to you.

If you are interested put your hands up, and I will give you more details. :)

The platform is planned to launch in a few days time (approx. 15.Oct).

Hi peek2k,

I'm very interested in your .NET based open source MT4 integration.  

Could you send me more details. My email is

Many thanks.



qm00 wrote >>

Hi peek2k,

I'm very interested in your .NET based open source MT4 integration.

Could you send me more details. My email is

Many thanks.



Just testing...

My last comment was not published for some reason. I asked after security of these dll's. Is the source code included? Can anyone trust their account numbers to these dll's?
