New API MetaTrader 4 AVAILABLE - page 4

hi trade zone,
is that API free ware or it's share Ware ? coz i 've msg says the trial period is finished!!!!
thank u.

We haven't decided yet how license mode will work, but this trial version is totally free to use for a limited time.

Please, download the version ( ). This version will expire late November.

which DLL do I import so I can use this in Visual Studio .NET and code in C#



You can add how many srv do you want.

Just put them inside <Program Files\Tradezone\TZMT4API\Source\srv>.

For example:

- Go to <Program Files\Interbanfx Trader\config>, copy "InterbankFX-MT4 Standard Accounts 2.srv"

- Copy to <Program Files\Tradezone\TZMT4API\Source\srv>

Best regards.

1- i want to connect but not work for delphi.

ComboBox1.Text:='InterbankFX-InterbankFX-MT4 Mini Accounts'

InterbankFX-InterbankFX-MT4 Mini Accounts.srv has C:\Program Files\TradeZone\TZMT4API\Source\srv

H := LogIn_MT4(strtoint(Edit1.Text), pchar(Edit2.Text), pchar(ComboBox1.Text), '', '', '', '');

GetLastError - 10002 - Corresponding .srv file not found

2- How do load combobox1.text all availablee C:\Program Files\TradeZone\TZMT4API\Source\srv\*.srv


I have a code like this (C++ Builder):


ticket = OrderGet_MT4(handle, i, 0, 0);

tmp_chr = OrderSymbol_MT4(handle, ticket);

err = GetLastError_MT4(handle);


It gives error 4105: ERR_NO_ORDER_SELECTED

But I selected order using OrderGet_MT4. As I understand it's analogue of OrderSelect in MT4.

How this issue can be solved?



which DLL do I import so I can use this in Visual Studio .NET and code in C#


Hi magister!


Kindest regards.


I have a code like this (C++ Builder):


ticket = OrderGet_MT4(handle, i, 0, 0);

tmp_chr = OrderSymbol_MT4(handle, ticket);

err = GetLastError_MT4(handle);


It gives error 4105: ERR_NO_ORDER_SELECTED

But I selected order using OrderGet_MT4. As I understand it's analogue of OrderSelect in MT4.

How this issue can be solved?


Hi, fdan1c!

You understand OrderGet_MT4 perfectly.

But o course there are errors in code.

Is i between 0 and OrdersTotal?

Kindest regards!


1- i want to connect but not work for delphi.

ComboBox1.Text:='InterbankFX-InterbankFX-MT4 Mini Accounts'

InterbankFX-InterbankFX-MT4 Mini Accounts.srv has C:\Program Files\TradeZone\TZMT4API\Source\srv

H := LogIn_MT4(strtoint(Edit1.Text), pchar(Edit2.Text), pchar(ComboBox1.Text), '', '', '', '');

GetLastError - 10002 - Corresponding .srv file not found

2- How do load combobox1.text all availablee C:\Program Files\TradeZone\TZMT4API\Source\srv\*.srv

Hi Mehmet!

1) Are you using version

2) Take a look on FindFirst and FindNext delphi's functions.

Kindest regards!


Hi, fdan1c!

You understand OrderGet_MT4 perfectly.

But o course there are errors in code.

Is i between 0 and OrdersTotal?

Kindest regards!

Hello again!

I beleive there are no obvious errors in the code. Here are a bit more code:



// clear error output


 if (IsConnected_MT4(acctArr[index].handle))


   ord_cnt = OrdersTotal_MT4(acctArr[index].handle);

   for (i=0;i<ord_cnt;i++)


     src_ordrArr[i].handle = acctArr[index].handle;

     src_ordrArr[i].ticket = OrderGet_MT4(src_ordrArr[i].handle, i, 0, 0);

     ShowMessage("Check point 1: Last Error = "+IntToStr(GetLastError_MT4(acctArr[index].handle)));

     tmp_chr = OrderSymbol_MT4(src_ordrArr[i].handle, src_ordrArr[i].ticket);

     strcpy(src_ordrArr[i].symbol, tmp_chr);


     ShowMessage("Check point 2: Last Error = "+IntToStr(GetLastError_MT4(acctArr[index].handle)));



So, at 'Check Point 1' I see 'Last Error = 0', tmp_chr get valid value (e.g. "USDGBP"), but at 'Check Point 2' I get 'Last Error = 4105' during the same cycle iteration...
I can't understand where the problem is...

If you can, please, help.

Thanks in advance...


Hello again!

I beleive there are no obvious errors in the code. Here are a bit more code:



// clear error output


 if (IsConnected_MT4(acctArr[index].handle))


   ord_cnt = OrdersTotal_MT4(acctArr[index].handle);

   for (i=0;i<ord_cnt;i++)


     src_ordrArr[i].handle = acctArr[index].handle;

     src_ordrArr[i].ticket = OrderGet_MT4(src_ordrArr[i].handle, i, 0, 0);

     ShowMessage("Check point 1: Last Error = "+IntToStr(GetLastError_MT4(acctArr[index].handle)));

     tmp_chr = OrderSymbol_MT4(src_ordrArr[i].handle, src_ordrArr[i].ticket);

     strcpy(src_ordrArr[i].symbol, tmp_chr);


     ShowMessage("Check point 2: Last Error = "+IntToStr(GetLastError_MT4(acctArr[index].handle)));



So, at 'Check Point 1' I see 'Last Error = 0', tmp_chr get valid value (e.g. "USDGBP"), but at 'Check Point 2' I get 'Last Error = 4105' during the same cycle iteration...
I can't understand where the problem is...

If you can, please, help.

Thanks in advance...

Hi fdan1c,

You really find a bug. It's fixed now. Please, get version ( ). This version will expire late November.

And folks... please update to version

Older Versions, like, expires on 2008.09.30.

Kindest regards!