Does ErrorLevel work in LibOrderReliable_V1_1_2.mq4?


1. ErrorLevel is declared as a variable static int ErrorLevel = 3;

2. ErrorLevel is used several times, typically if (ErrorLevel > 1) <=== remember, it was set to 3

3. And finally, near the bottom of the code, is a function

void OrderReliableSetErrorLevel(int level)
ErrorLevel = level;

...but this function OrderReliableSetErrorLevel is never called!

So, I'm wondering if modifying the original code would work better.

int cnt = 0;
while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts)
OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum);

if (!IsTradeAllowed())
if (ErrorLevel > 1)
OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries.");

int cnt = 0;
while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts)
OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum);

if (!IsTradeAllowed())
OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries.");


static means it will be initialized one time...

int start(){

   static int count1 = 0; // initialized once

          int count2 = 0; // initialized every tick



   Comment("\n Count1 = " + count1 +"\n"+ 

           "\n Count2 = " + count2 +"\n");


phy wrote >>

static means it will be initialized one time...


static means it will be initialized one time...

Thank you, but I'm sorry I don't understand your reply. Yes, a static int is initialized one time -- but as best as I can tell, the code never changes the value of ErrorLevel at any later time. That leaves me with:

- The function OrderReliableSetErrorLevel which is never called and therefore might be removed from the code

- A never-changing value of ErrorLevel = 3 which will always cause OrderReliablePrint to execute, why have the lines of code such as: if (ErrorLevel > 1)


Oh well...

LibOrderReliable_V1_1_3.mq4 is out there too

phy wrote >>

Oh well...

LibOrderReliable_V1_1_3.mq4 is out there too

Yes, but the newer version V1_1_3 (when searched with Edit > Find > ErrorLevel) seems to have the same useless code where...

- int ErrorLevel = 3

- The function OrderReliableSetErrorLevel is never called and therefore might be removed from the code

- A never-changing value of ErrorLevel = 3 which will always cause OrderReliablePrint to execute, why have the lines of code such as: if (ErrorLevel > 1)

So far, I think:

- my analysis of the code is correct

- the function OrderReliableSetErrorLevel is never used and might be removed without consequence

- there is no use for a line of code such as if(ErrorLevel > 1) ...because ErrorLevel will always be 3.

Of course, I've been wrong before (well, once actually :-). Anybody want to look at this? Thank you.

chaffinsjc wrote >>

Yes, but the newer version V1_1_3 (when searched with Edit > Find > ErrorLevel) seems to have the same useless code where...

- int ErrorLevel = 3

- The function OrderReliableSetErrorLevel is never called and therefore might be removed from the code

- A never-changing value of ErrorLevel = 3 which will always cause OrderReliablePrint to execute, why have the lines of code such as: if (ErrorLevel > 1)

So far, I think:

- my analysis of the code is correct

- the function OrderReliableSetErrorLevel is never used and might be removed without consequence

- there is no use for a line of code such as if(ErrorLevel > 1) ...because ErrorLevel will always be 3.

Of course, I've been wrong before (well, once actually :-). Anybody want to look at this? Thank you.

Where do we go from here? Nobody seems to notice that the proposed answers may indeed be wrong.

How do I "advertise" that this is an UNSOLVED PROBLEM and has NOT REACHED RESOLUTION?


Where do we go from here? Nobody seems to notice that the proposed answers may indeed be wrong.

How do I "advertise" that this is an UNSOLVED PROBLEM and has NOT REACHED RESOLUTION?

OrderReliableSetErrorLevel() should be used from your code, to set the errorlevel according to your preference...

anyway meanwhile I have changed v1.1.3, adding support for MarketInfo (as in v1.1.1). I have attached the new version...


OrderSendReliable changed for pending order on ERR_INVALID_STOPS:
- avoid sporadical infinite loops (log entry: OrderSend error 130)

p.s. I had to upload LibOrderReliable_v1_1_5.mq4 twice, but the system renamed the second version, so please don't forget to rename it back (to LibOrderReliable_v1_1_5.mq4) after download