It´s possible to load Template with Tester?


It´s possible to load Template with Tester?

I dont know why, but if I load my EA named "test2" than there are some indicators load with him, but if I copy the original sorce and put in another EA with another name, than this indicators are not load with the EA, now I just wonder why by the one EA named "Test2" the indicator are load with and by the other not, I dont have make anything for that anything will load, but then I see this happend and dont now why now.

Attach all needed indicators to a chart and save the template with same name as your EA.
There seems to be a bug with the upper case template names. Template name with upper case letter(s) does not seem to work even if its exactly the same as EA name, however it does work with all letters lower case even if EA has upper case letters in its name.
There seems to be a bug with the upper case template names. Template name with upper case letter(s) does not seem to work even if its exactly the same as EA name, however it does work with all letters lower case even if EA has upper case letters in its name.

Attach all needed indicators to a chart and save the template with same name as your EA So the name has to be exact the same as your EA

If you want another template to use if you are testing for all EA's You can also name the Template 'tester'