Documentation on mql4



I'm new of forum. I downloaded then documentation help file "metatrader4_en.chm" and "MQl4BookEnglish.chm", but when i use it, an error page (page not found) splash to mr... there are someone tha are able to send me a correct printable guide or that are able to say me what is the trouble ?!? I'm sure the answare is yes. I'thank you very much.

I'apologize for my english.



Quotation from


There are two scenarios that can fail here:

Open the CHM file from a network resource

If you open the CHM file from a network resource such as a mapped drive you will get this error. The fix is to copy the file to a local drive and then it should work.

CHM File downloaded from the Internet

You’ve downloaded and directly opened a CHM file from the Internet in the Temporary Internet folder. This folder is isolated and treated specially as Internet Zone content. Most likely it will not allow running the ActiveX content that actually drives the CHM engine. Solution: Don’t ‘run’ the CHM file off the Web, but rather copy it to file first.

There’s more detailed information of the issue and links to Microsoft KB articles as well as some nasty workarounds for this issue here:

But the options described in there are pretty serious involving registry key changes etc. which are fairly intrusive and unlikely that you would want to perform on a software install. The only realistic solution seems to be to copy the help files to a local drive and run them from there.

If you are publishing CHM files on the Internet it's best not to let people download the CHM directly since that goes into your Internet Temporary files, but rather let people download a ZIP file and have them unzip the file locally, which will work.

The security issues with IE are a hassle, especially when it affects what is essentially a non-related application interface. Ah, the complexity of it all has suck written all over it… The bad news is there’s really no way around this short of not using CHM (or MSDN based) help…