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Edit function not working as expected.

1. click edit on my previous post

2. edit box populated with post contents

3. make edits

4. click update

5. updates lost and post is same as prior Edit

Support can help?

Edit function not working as expected.

1. click edit on my previous post

2. edit box populated with post contents

3. make edits

4. click update

5. updates lost and post is same as prior Edit

Fixed. Sorry.


Rosh, great ;o)

Say... are you taking more active part in forum?

As seen you around more, of late


btw, I still always think about your post made long time ago about 'primitives'/building blocks available and up to us to combine etc...

was good 'kick up the rear' for me - specially when mql appears to be not doing as I asked ;)

what's that, Ukt?
what's that, Ukt?

what that is - is my crap memory!

Rosh not the dude in question - was irusoh1 2006.10.30 19:28

page 2/2 - first post on page

I've read that post but I still don't understand your question.
Well...yeah, I highly doubt that English is Ukt's native language - I often have problems understanding what he says, too :)

ahhh 'cmon guys - give me a break ;)

1. post - for me was a wake up call. Basically spoke to me and reminded me that all platforms have 'issues' and either you gonna sit back and enjoy the in-flight movie or ya gonna strap on yer 'chute and walk out the exit door... yes? So, the post was [to me] saying get offa yer ass and use the ^*^(&()%^%$£ tools/functionality that MT offers and damn well get on with it - if not like something then make yer own from the available toolset...... I know how to make/enhance environments - but... over the years I must've decided to forget that I have the power to make MT sing my lyrics - albeit in .ru speak ;o)

2. Rosh: maybe my eyesight, but just never of late seen many Rosh posts so that is my only meaning. Simply because I like reading your posts... ;)

Analogous [for me anyway] to phy's posts (and maybe a few others too ;) This site is of course support focused but along the way there are a few posts that just 'float my boat' and make visiting site more interesting - if indeed is possible ...


Rosh: (and... I guess all of support)

my backhander reference to The Borg was not meant harshly... just struck my ironic/funnybone at time of pushing keys!


Never mind eh? I'm just passing through on my way to nowhere ...

Thank you. What do you mean under Borg -

Welcome :)

"You will be assimilated"

You must take lightly - no seriousness allowed
