Holy grail exists?


Hello all,

I am a beginner in MQL, but I just have one question to start. Is there such thing as profitable EA, aka Holy Grail ? I am trying to find some motivations before starting to work on it.


Yes there are profitable EA's :)

The feedback on existing commercial EA's to purchase is alarmingly poor.

So... I decided to do my own - the first ones will be out of final live (real account) testing at the end of July.

They will naturally have to be profitable, easy to set up & the first three will be for any size account (micro, mini or 100k).

The first two months use will be free on any account type - buy it if you like it after that :)


I suspect, that yes, such EA exists (I mean EA with stable, systematic profit), but no one will share them - even for money as there are priceless.


Not priceless

You'll be able to buy them soon from €150-€400




Not priceless

You'll be able to buy them soon from €150-€400


I saw many tries, but all that cheap EA are good only for some periods. For longer period (at least 1-2 years) they all show bad results. Actually a good EA is a money-make machine - a creator will prefer to use it for himself.

But anyway - I will be glad to see your EA.


Itso - you took words from my mouth - lol

Just WHY is it that people sell financial trading software?

Is it greed?

Is it realisation that software not work all time?

Is it being the 'good' person to allow others to buy?

Is it that profiting from one's own EA money-making machine does not excite?

Aw man... could go on for pages ;)

Just why is it?

Is the answer really 42?


tbh - I always envisage that residents of any financial trading forum do not have nor are capable (at the moment) of making such software

hahaaa - that's me for sure!

when I do have - u will know by my absence...



> Just WHY is it that people sell financial trading software?

As ever - a good question!

This time

Answer != 42

For me - I have 20+ years in programming but (post divorce) I have no capital :(

I have 3 small live accounts that I am building up with various combinations of EA's
I will be selling EA's to pay for the time I spent on them & build up my own trading accounts.

One or two will be on free use for a couple months for people to test before they buy - watch the forum first week of August!

I will continue to support the forum - because it makes good business sense

My 2c worth



BB -

Noooooooooo! "!=" this cannot be happening... Surely! Deep Thought spent 7.5mill years on this! gotta be the real McCoy ;)

Ya.... splitups are no good man! Courts are bad news and csa... ummm, another story/errr law upon them selves - LOL

ok BB, I see your view point. tbh, I have always wondered WHY (about everything actually ;) but is great to hear an active developers words as to WHY.

Me, well - am massive fan of compounding. Give me even 10, 20 always can get without fail pips per week and I'll show you a soon to be vip wealthy dude!

The other word that ties neatly into above is consistentcy.

With those two and a few pips per week... a wealthy trader will you become!

Currently life, the universe and all that seriously conspire against such aspirations - yet that's MY Ultimate [financially speaking:] goal!

To ANYBODY reading... checkout BB's site. Yah... how bout that! A dude with a real live site and all that stuff - his generous "couple months" is cool and maybe we can convince him to forget about "One or two" and say "All"


if ya not ask - ya not [potentially] receive, yes?


this person that is ME has no connection with BB whatsoever beyond a few emails and my surfing his website, ok?

Course, am always open to the aforementioned "ALL" condition... ;o))

u listening BB cause am waiting for that email... ohhh I am naughty!


Wow, this is my 1st post and I'm looking forward to testing BB's system.

Will need to wait for it 2 months, but will do so : )

Hope to get something good.

Wish you all well !

How do you know you will actually be able to create something that works, BB?  There are entire sites (strategy builder) dedicated to people trying to find a consistently profitable EA.  You have 20 years of programming experience, but so what?  How much trading experience do you have?  Do you have any high level physics training?  How about digital signal processing experience?  It takes a lot more than good programming knowledge to create a profitable EA.  Good luck, though.

The quest should be renamed from "holy grail" to "black hole".

Once someone finds the "black hole", he disappears, and no information about what goes on inside ever crosses the event horizon to the outside world.

By the way, recently, it has been discovered that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of "all" galaxies. This was unexpected, and has caused a shift in thinking about how galaxies are born.