Pulling Worldwide Stock index data into an EA


I am trying to write a Time Sensitive EA that uses the worldwide Stock market indexes to help determine the direction of a given currency pair. The Idea is to follow Different indexes at different times of the day. For Example: During NY Market hours use data from DJ and NASDAQ, but during the Asian Session use the NIKKEI... I cannot quite figure out how to pull the data off of the website ( http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/stocks/wei.html ) Basically what I need is an Include file that pulls a "value" "change" and "%change" for each index listed on the site. Anyone here have something like this ?




I am trying to write a Time Sensitive EA that uses the worldwide Stock market indexes to help determine the direction of a given currency pair. The Idea is to follow Different indexes at different times of the day. For Example: During NY Market hours use data from DJ and NASDAQ, but during the Asian Session use the NIKKEI... I cannot quite figure out how to pull the data off of the website ( http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/stocks/wei.html ) Basically what I need is an Include file that pulls a "value" "change" and "%change" for each index listed on the site. Anyone here have something like this ?





I use a broker that has futures, global stock markets index, etc.

Broco is the broker, located in russia..

I am sure this will help you