Please Help!


Hello guys.My name is Sarah.I just found this thread.You guys sound really informed in the forex market.I started trading my own real money account with 20k 7 months.To say it has gone poorly is an understatement.Im down to just alittle over $4300.But because I love to trade im putting in another 10k to give myself one more chance to get it right.I like to think of myself as more than just a pretty face and as a woman who can compete with the guys in almost anything.I have to admit its like taking one pounding after another(NO NOT THAT!:) Before I take this last shot at this market,does anyone have a scalping system they think would work for me. I’ve tried longer term systems but I just don’t have the patience.LOL Thank you guys for any help you can provide,I know this is a boys club but can you let girl inJ

GTG Love



Is it look like this:



edddim - man... that's totally priceless :o)))

Dude - this has totally made my otherwise SHIT day so massively brilliant

Am saving this and will print and have great laughs whenever I think about sexysarah... LOL

totally WELL DONE !!!



Boys Club?

Not really - the market doesnt care - theres an equal opportunity to lose money :(

If this is a serious thread you've posted - you really need to step away from the keyboard.

Leave it for days/weeks, however long it takes for you to:

Develop patience

Get over the rush of 'trading'

Develop patience

Realise its not a competition

Develop patience

That <one more chance> aint enough chances

Develop patience

Not put any more money in - what would change - it would just go south for the same reasons the first lot went there

Develop patience

Send me the 10k instead & i'll give it you back plus interest in a year OR take on one of my managed accounts


That wouldnt be 'fun' would it?!

You should never trade by discretion - you dont have any :eek:

You should only trade by Expert Advisers (and then DONT FIDDLE with the trades they make!!!)

Its not a trading systen you need first, its a personal appraisal - work out whats important to you - fun or earning a living?

Good luck - you'll need it
