Anyone else having this very stupid and annoying problem ?


As I am typing this ... if i try to make a correction by pressing the backspace key it will kick me back to Documentation and whatever I was typing is lost. Only way I can make correction is by using left arrow key and then delete or by highlighting and correcting. This problem only happens on this forum, and happens on my other computer also. Anyone know what's wrong? This is very annoying grrrr...


Something changed in the forum a couple of weeks ago, I have noticed some strangeness too.

For a while it was trying to access the contents of my clipboard on the first "return" of a new comment. That's gone now.


As I am typing this ... if i try to make a correction by pressing the backspace key it will kick me back to Documentation and whatever I was typing is lost. Only way I can make correction is by using left arrow key and then delete or by highlighting and correcting. This problem only happens on this forum, and happens on my other computer also. Anyone know what's wrong? This is very annoying grrrr...

How weird but this problem has cleared up today. And it's not something to do with my computer since it happened on my desktop also. Finally I can post without the aggravation!