Anyone else have or had this problem? "Access denied error"


Hi all,

I've been having this odd problem using mt4. When using metaeditor I get an "access denied" pop up window when i try to make a change to my EA code. I'm using windows vista. Thanks for any help.


Perhaps you answered your own question... VISTA !!!

Sounds like you do not have correct access permissions to folder/file

Why? not a clue.

Would help if you could capture popup and show.

Make sure you can (outside of MetaEditor) say, by using a file editor - that you can open > edit > save

Is this new problem - that just happened AFTER previously being able to use MetaEditor ...

Need more information/pics/text/background...

Also consider forum that uses Vista - may be nothing to do with MetaQuotes.


Perhaps you answered your own question... VISTA !!!

Sounds like you do not have correct access permissions to folder/file

Why? not a clue.

Would help if you could capture popup and show.

Make sure you can (outside of MetaEditor) say, by using a file editor - that you can open > edit > save

Is this new problem - that just happened AFTER previously being able to use MetaEditor ...

Need more information/pics/text/background...

Also consider forum that uses Vista - may be nothing to do with MetaQuotes.

ukt thank you for replying to my problem. This problem is odd because it just started happening and doesn't affect all ea's or scripts. Once it does happen though, i'm locked out of making any change to that file. It could be a vista problem like you said because the error window looks like a windows system error message. Can you tell me how to check my access permission settings? I'm logged on as administrator so that should give me full access doesn't it? I checked my user account settings and looks ok to me. Thanks again for your help.

so sorry friend... I have never seen Vista running on any computer... [I intend that it stays that way]

I am soon migrating to a Linux variant - Linux works and more importantly to me - it is a real operating system not just a program ill concieved in eighties... (ohhh, I am harsh :-)

Seriously, surf to a Vista users forum or even: which can lead you to Windows Vista Community

Tech Support Guy forum

Troubleshooting and general questions about Microsoft's latest version of Windows

tech-recipies Your cookbook of tech tutorials which is search results page for "Vista"; lead you to onsite topics etc. including sites Windows forum

search "Vista" results on tech Republic forum

anyway... just google away and visit forums - being sure to use each forum's search box, when find one/or more, that 'grabs' you... join and post!



so sorry friend... I have never seen Vista running on any computer... [I intend that it stays that way]

I am soon migrating to a Linux variant - Linux works and more importantly to me - it is a real operating system not just a program ill concieved in eighties... (ohhh, I am harsh :-)

Seriously, surf to a Vista users forum or even: which can lead you to Windows Vista Community

Tech Support Guy forum

Troubleshooting and general questions about Microsoft's latest version of Windows

mqldelta wrote >>

Hi all,

I've been having this odd problem using mt4. When using metaeditor I get an "access denied" pop up window when i try to make a change to my EA code. I'm using windows vista. Thanks for any help.

The solution is to make the changes you want in the EA code when you get the "access denied" pop up window in Windows Vista. (1) Make the changes you want. (2) Go to File, Save As and save with a different name by just adding a 2 to the original name. (3) After saving with the new name, compile the file as usual. (4) Then delete the original file of your EA in both the meta editor and the navigator, (5) Then you can go to File, Save As, and save with the original EA name and then compile again. Once done, you can now delete the file with the 2 on the end of the original name, in the meta editor and the navigator. (Note: If you do not delete the original file of the EA as stated in step 4, your EA will come back to haunt you with the original coding). After you have done all of this, you will be able to make further changes to the EA code and compile like you did before you started getting the "access denied" pop up.


The problem stems from Vista which grants different rights to different users of your computer. (I know, you must be the only user of your computer and you wonder why microsoft is taking the piss?!!)

Simply go to the root folder of your terminal (C:\Program Files\terminal folder)

Right click on it--->properties

Under security tab, click "modify" and give total control to all classes of users.

You should be able to copy/paste your files now


The problem stems from Vista which grants different rights to different users of your computer. (I know, you must be the only user of your computer and you wonder why microsoft is taking the piss?!!)

Simply go to the root folder of your terminal (C:\Program Files\terminal folder)

Right click on it--->properties

Under security tab, click "modify" and give total control to all classes of users.

You should be able to copy/paste your files now

so your .csv non-appearence is solved?

btr you than me. I still favor dos when the sh*t hits the fan and preferably via FD boot :0)))

congrats if so... :)


I also have Vista and got the same problem.

When I run the MetaTrader application as Administrator, then I can save again...

right click .. and run as administrator.
I got the same problem ("Access denied" error when saving a file in metaeditor) on MS Windows Vista SP2. This article solved my problem:

Part 1: Open an Administrator Explorer window

  1. Click Start
  2. Type: explorer
  3. Right-click Windows Explorer
  4. Click Run As Administrator

This will open an "Administrator" explorer window. Every action that you take from this window will be executed with full Administrator permissions.

Part 2: Change security settings

  1. Find the folder you need access to from the Administrator Explorer window
  2. Right-click it
  3. Click Properties
  4. Click the Security Tab
  5. Click Edit
  6. Click Add
  7. If you are the only one that needs modify access to this file, type your username and press enter. Otherwise, type "Users" and press enter.
  8. Click the checkbox under Allow next to Full Control
  9. Click OK
  10. Click OK
I applied only the part 2, and the problem was solved !!