Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 21


Signal is enabled. Had thunder storm broadband line went down. Had intermittent power cuts. Can the signal be put back on? 

Signal is OK now
Signal is OK now

Thank you for your attention 



Could anyone check if my suggestion on rule amendment on the page 19 of this topic please?

I have subcribe to a signal, but no trades in my account. In providers history I have seen some trades since I ve registred.
I have subcribe to a signal, but no trades in my account. In providers history I have seen some trades since I ve registred.
Can you post your logs (journal tab) ?
Can you post your logs (journal tab) ?

what you mean logs? I dont know what you mean...

what you mean logs? I dont know what you mean...
See here.
See here.
as i get it right, i always need to be online to being in trade? when i switch off pc, than no trades will be executed?
as i get it right, i always need to be online to being in trade? when i switch off pc, than no trades will be executed?
Yes your computer must be running.
Yes your computer must be running.
ok, thanx fo reply, there was mistake