Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 88


If the signal provider's account is wiped out, what happens to the subscriber's account if he is having extra balance in his account or the subscriber is only using 50 % of the deposit for volume calculation? Secondly, if right after the subscription, the provider's account is wiped out in one or two days, what happens to the locked subscription fee. Is it returned t the subscriber or not?

Shehzad Hussain:

If the signal provider's account is wiped out, what happens to the subscriber's account if he is having extra balance in his account or the subscriber is only using 50 % of the deposit for volume calculation? Secondly, if right after the subscription, the provider's account is wiped out in one or two days, what happens to the locked subscription fee. Is it returned t the subscriber or not?

If you are copying the signal provider with the maximum percentage allowed (95%), then your account will be almost wiped out too.

If you are copying with a lower ratio (50% for example) you will lose half of your account.

The subscription fee its not refundable automatically, but you can contact the Service Desk and ask them for a refund, because the signal provider didn't deliver a full month of service.

Eleni Anna Branou:

If you are copying the signal provider with the maximum percentage allowed (95%), then your account will be almost wiped out too.

If you are copying with a lower ratio (50% for example) you will lose half of your account.

The subscription fee its not refundable automatically, but you can contact the Service Desk and ask them for a refund, because the signal provider didn't deliver a full month of service.

Is there any way to get the subscription fee back if the subscriber wants to unsubscribe after 1 or 2 days of subscription?

Shehzad Hussain:

Is there any way to get the subscription fee back if the subscriber wants to unsubscribe after 1 or 2 days of subscription?

You can contact the Service Desk and ask them for a refund, due to slippage problems.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You can contact the Service Desk and ask them for a refund, due to slippage problems.

Ok. Thank you


What is meant by "Trading Activity %" of any signal?

Shehzad Hussain:

What is meant by "Trading Activity %" of any signal?

Its the percentage of time, that the signal has open trades.

In other words the percentage of time that the signal is exposed to the market.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Its the percentage of time, that the signal has open trades.

In other words the percentage of time that the signal is exposed to the market.

Thank you

Hello, are there legal problems in the use of trading signals in Europe? In some circulating versions of metatrader, the "signals" tab is missing...
Hello, are there legal problems in the use of trading signals in Europe? In some circulating versions of metatrader, the "signals" tab is missing...

There are no legal problems, some brokers offer them and some not.