How to create custom line on chart & sub window?


Here is the link to the picture.

It is from "Did you see such a picture" thread started by Rosh, and this image posted by Collection.

I'm using "-" and "|" character to draw this line (using label), any better idea?


if is not possible with using trend line than maybe object label in kombi with "ObjectSetText" CharttoStr() function, than you can use as font "Wingdings" with it figures an example:

string objektname4 = "Test";   
 if(ObjectFind(objektname4) >= 0) ObjectDelete(objektname4);
 if(!ObjectCreate(objektname4, OBJ_LABEL, WindowOnDropped(), 0, 0)) Print("error: cant create ",objektname4," on Window ",WindowOnDropped(),"! code #",GetLastError());
 if(!ObjectSet(objektname4, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x)) Print("error: cant set xdistance ",objektname4," on Window ",WindowOnDropped(),"! code #",GetLastError());
 if(!ObjectSet(objektname4, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y)) Print("error: cant set ydistance ",objektname4," on Window ",WindowOnDropped(),"! code #",GetLastError());
 if(!ObjectSet(objektname4, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1)) Print("error: cant set width ",objektname4," on Window ",WindowOnDropped(),"! code #",GetLastError());
 if(!ObjectSetText(objektname4, CharToStr(110), 10, "Wingdings", col)) Print("error: cant set Text ",objektname4," on Window ",WindowOnDropped(),"! code #",GetLastError());