Possible -> ArraySetAsSeries() and two dimensional Array



this works:

double test[4]={1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1};
Print(test[0]," ",test[1]," ",test[2]," ",test[3],"  size ",ArraySize(test));

it change the array indexing direction. But when does one full a array of this way, little or!

Now, this dont works:

double test[4];
    test[0] = 1.1; 
    test[1] = 2.1;
    test[2] = 3.1;
    test[3] = 4.1;    
Print(test[0]," ",test[1]," ",test[2]," ",test[3],"  size ",ArraySize(test));

it dont change the array indexing direction! But i need a solution that can do this! How can I change the array indexing direction when i abundance a array of this second way from my example?

In a loop this is normal that you abundance a array of this way.


try in another order:

double test [4] ;
ArraySetAsSeries ( test, true ) ;

test [ 0 ] = 1.1 ; test [ 1 ] = 2.1 ;
test [ 2 ] = 3.1 ; test [ 3 ] = 4.1 ;


try in another order:

double test [4] ;
ArraySetAsSeries ( test, true ) ;

test [ 0 ] = 1.1 ; test [ 1 ] = 2.1 ;
test [ 2 ] = 3.1 ; test [ 3 ] = 4.1 ;

Is it by you possible so?

By me no.

This order:

double test[4];
ArraySetAsSeries( test,true ); 
test[ 0 ] = 1.1; test[ 1 ] = 2.1;
test[ 2 ] = 3.1; test[ 3 ] = 4.1;   
Print(test[0]," ",test[1]," ",test[2]," ",test[3],"  size ",ArraySize(test));

dont change the indexing direction of the array, too!

Or is it by you possible so, by me not?


Whay you want? get 4.1, 3.1,2.1,1.1 when you Print ( test [ 0 ], " ", test [ 1 ], " ", test [ 2 ], " ", test [ 3 ],.....

that is not possible, Series means sub-0 corepont time now, other corespons to past time.

in other words, means the realtion of array and time array, not means invert array elements order


Whay you want? get 4.1, 3.1,2.1,1.1 when you Print ( test [ 0 ], " ", test [ 1 ], " ", test [ 2 ], " ", test [ 3 ],.....

that is not possible, Series means sub-0 corepont time now, other corespons to past time.

in other words, means the realtion of array and time array, not means invert array elements order

The problem from me is, that i full a array with values from left to right, and at the end the array index with the aktuallest value ist bigger than zero, but i want that the aktuallest value has the index zero, like High[0]

I dont can full the array from right to left because of the calculation, and I dont want to build so much code, example a loop with that I can change the array index elementwise.

But it sems that there is not another way to change the indexing from the array.