running an EA on a server


For greater connection stability I want to run my EA on a remote server. Does anyone know of any services where the MT4 client can run remotely. Taking in to account that mql4 is not a web-based language, then MT4 must be installed on the server to actually build the code and send orders.

I know that BulldogFX can receive orders from systems listed on Collective2 and then forward the orders to a trading account at FXCM. But this leaves me with the same problem because Collective2 only communicates with the client-based MT4 and doesnt run the EA on their servers (so this would only be useful if it was someone else's EA and not my own).

ok after looking around I found using a VPS to be one solution. Does anyone else have any other solutions or is using a VPS the best way to go for traders?

Thanks i have set this up... Another question, does anybody know if you can use Windows Mobile 6's Remote Desktop client to connect to a VPS runnig Windows Server 2003 without modification?

you can use windows WM6 Remote Desktop client to connect to XP with no problems but what about connecting to Server 2003?


You say: For greater connection stability...

I thought the same thing, and actually tried two or three VPS services, and if you do use a VPS service I stongly advise setting up an EA connection monitor, because I found that the services I used had very bad "upstream providers" for their connections, and they were actually far  worse than using my own laptop, and ISP for trading... I have connection logs that show this for my own purposes... and have since abandoned using any VPS services at all.  Instead I just make sure I am alerted if a connection is broken... and I have had better luck, and less overhead just doing this.

Best of luck in any case, but I thought you and others, should be warned...