MT4 configuration_how email my account balance?

How to configure MT4 to send a email with my account balance every X minutes?

Is it possible?


Set up the email address in Tools -- Options -- Write a looping script/EA that sends you mail every x minutes and apply to a chart.

   while (!IsStopped()){
      SendMail("AccountEquity", AccountEquity());
      Sleep( 600000 ); // ten minutes or so
Phy, about your "Sleep" function, is it automatically working again after ten minutes, or is it waiting for new tick comes to working again after ten minutes?

Thank you
My problem is set up my email in TOOLS>OPTIONS.


This sleep is inside a while loop.

If it is a script, it starts immediatlly and loops every ten minutes.

If it is an EA, it waits for initial tick to get started, then loops every ten minutes, no more ticks required.

Sleep() hands control back to MT4 or possibly the operating system, which manages
monitoring for the sleep time to end, and then returns control to the script/EA at the
beginning of the while.


I wrote this code awhile ago. It takes your account balance on a daily basis and then monitors it if it drops below a certain threshold. It should give you a good idea of what you need. You should also keep in mind that your ISP may block port 25 which can cause metatrader not to send emails. Only solution is to switch internet providers.