I know nothing about programming in MQL4, Where to start?


I have been trading per 6 years. I want to learn how to programm my own strategies and make them EA's, where should i start?



"I know nothing about programming in MQL4, Where to start?"

If you know nothing about programming in general, it will be harder. If you have any programming
experience in any language already, it will be much much easier.


Read the product documentation, a little at a time on this site. https://docs.mql4.com//

Maybe try this 'MQL Tutorial by Coders` guru'

Or find another one http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLJ_enUS256US256&q=mql4+tutorial


Study the source code included with the MT4 installation along with the documentation.

On the menu, View -- Navigator

Under Custom Indicators, pick one, right click it, and select Modify to open the editor and see the code.

Open one, save it with a new name. Modify, compile, and play with the renamed indicator.

Read the documentation for everything you find in the code samples.


The code format is similar to a subset of C language.

Visit a C language tutorial on the web.


There might be a steep learning curve to get started, but the programming skills required to program MT4 are pretty basic.

Thanks a lot phy!,

Im going to take an actual course of C++ this week.

Is C the most similar lenguage to MQL4?

Or is there a more similar lenguage to the needed in MQL4?

Best Regards!