how to resize the second dimension of multi dimension array ?

int ArrayResize( object&array[], int new_size)  can Sets a new size for the first dimension.  but if   the array[4][][3]  i want to change the size of second dimesion of it. how to do that ? thank you.

I think the short answer is, "you don't"

int ArrayResize( object&array[], int new_size) can Sets a new size for the first dimension. but if the array[4][][3] i want to change the size of second dimesion of it. how to do that ? thank you.
A solution would be to switch the unspecified dimension with one of the known dimensions. in your case defining the array as array[][4][3] would solve the problem.

A Sample: Matrix processing

This code sample presents MQL4 advantages in dynamic arrays operations.
Synthetic two-dimensional dynamic arrays are used for matrix multiplication