Call expert by its name

I need to write a script that makes testers fuctionallity not for one expert, symbol or timeframe as a bulit-in one but for a set of them. So I need to call user written experts by it name and receive form them threi results. Tell me please how is it possible to call an expert from a script by name. I've not found something like this in the documentation.

You cannot call experts from other mql4-programs. You can call functions.

Write your own mql4-library and call it's functions


You cannot call experts from other mql4-programs. You can call functions.

Write your own mql4-library and call it's functions

Stringo, Please how do I attach this code to a particular trading account.The code is meant to close all to open positions and pending orders when acertain condition is fulfilled. Help me check if it is correct. Thanks

double balance;
double equity;

int init(){
balance = AccountBalance();

int start(){

equity = AccountEquity();
if(equity >= balance*1.2){
bool flag;
for(int cnt=OrdersTotal()-1; cnt>=0; cnt--)
if(OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS) && OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) { flag=true; OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 3); }
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) { flag=true; OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 3); }
balance = AccountBalance(); // new starting point for future trades
Well, I've encountered one more question if I use libraries with experts function: can I switch to testing mode programaticaly? I've found in the help just a function to get if it's switchted on IsTesting but no links how to switsch to it. If not, how can I view an account history to make a report of operation made by an expert form a library?