payments for signal provider - page 2


Interesting opinion but for a system with this performance and drawdowns I would say his  price is as low as it can be, to pay 100$/month that would be 1200$/year with a 10K account his performance would have been almost 15K in about 6 months. Personally I would not share such a system for less than 300 credits/month and yet it seems that even 100 is a lot around here. I was thinking to share my strategy here I just change my mind I will not share something worth millions for a few pennies. Now of course there is also the possibility his system has flaws and investors not interested but I doubt it.

Just my 2 cents and speaking from a signal seller perspective...I mean I wanted to be... but no thanks :D if nobody is willing to pay 100 dollars/month for such a system

Interesting too, but note that trading signals portfolio (and all the system) is still very new and the prices and expectations are still adjusting.

In this sense, maybe instead of staying out of the market, you can publish less profitable or risky strategies to measure the opportunities.

For example, I have published some very risky signals as free subscription or very low price, to demonstrate tecnology and strategies that I develop in my laboratory.

But the more stable signals and systems in my labs I am still studying the price and right moment to be published.

Interesting too, but note that trading signals portfolio (and all the system) is still very new and the prices and expectations are still adjusting.

In this sense, maybe instead of staying out of the market, you can publish less profitable or risky strategies to measure the opportunities.

For example, I have published some very risky signals as free subscription or very low price, to demonstrate tecnology and strategies that I develop in my laboratory.

But the more stable signals and systems in my labs I am still studying the price and right moment to be published.

Yes, true, this is new but that does not mean a profitable strategy should be available for a few bucks, I mean come on we are talking here about real money and unbelievable gains and at this moment I see absolutely no reason to be here, my performance is a"merely" 40% on a real account in about 4 months and is a stable and well designed strategy that by the end of the year would probably be above 200% gain and I could trade all by myself with a decent capital however I was searching for investors because I do not have the 50K needed to live out of trading alone and with a few thousands it can not be done unless i start the gambling mode all or nothing. The single real possibility I perceived is with some broker that offers this in a much more "serious" way, with real accounts only and another system of paying in terms of % of profits - the manager gets a % of profits that is, now that i think looks and sounds serious for anyone. You did not ask yourself why in the world would someone in his right mind believe that paying 100$/month can double his money in 6 months even if he has 100000$???? The concept is totally wrong, if i were an investor with a lot of capital available I would run when someone would tell me that for a fee of 20 bucks/month he will  double my 100K!!!! just do the math, lol; OK i am just pushing the amounts here but i think you get the point.

Truth is that most people look at this as gambling and expect 1000%/month and while it can be done with luck is actually equivalent with playing Russian roulette with your capital, that is why no serious investor would consider placing his capital here and because of that no real professional traders will either...just my 2 cents

Hopefully this will become a little bit more serious also since the idea is absolutely great, unfortunately coming a little to late as for years there are on the net such possibilities I`m sure we all know them, trouble is that one is counting pips like amateurs, another has no option for volume or no investors like this one. So I`m a bit confused and disappointed when I see that there's nobody around here taking this seriously, 100$ for 150% performance in 6 months? You people at MQL5 should really do something to get some real capital around here, I did not study very close his strategy as i said but there are not even comments on the fact is that besides a few traders on demo accounts trying the ocean with their finger there's nobody around here yet

As for myself I am busy trading not testing anything and I was looking for investors, I will get back here every now and then to see whats the feeling however hard to believe I will share anything more than demo testing strategies risky as hell in which I would not put my own money, as real trader I need a % of profits for my work if I am to share real strategies and make money for investors. Wrong concept here that will attract a lot of amateurs.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

Note that 150 free subscribers is great, maybe you just need some price adjustments.

My suggestion is adjust your price to reflect supply and demand laws, for example start with low values to detect the amount that buyers are willing and able to purchase.


You kinda can't anymore. Minimum is 20, for me it's bit salty, I'be happy sell my best for ~3 and others less than 0.99.

Anyways, I will try to live with 20. My signals will be cool enough after test period. :)))


You kinda can't anymore. Minimum is 20, for me it's bit salty, I'be happy sell my best for ~3 and others less than 0.99.

Anyways, I will try to live with 20. My signals will be cool enough after test period. :)))

:)))) but remember that subscribers can pay for just a week (btw a good idea), so 0.99 would be near zero and very expensive to administrate!

Yes, true, this is new but that does not mean a profitable strategy should be available for a few bucks, I mean come on we are talking here about real money and unbelievable gains and at this moment I see absolutely no reason to be here, my performance is a"merely" 40% on a real account in about 4 months and is a stable and well designed strategy that by the end of the year would probably be above 200% gain and I could trade all by myself with a decent capital however I was searching for investors because I do not have the 50K needed to live out of trading alone and with a few thousands it can not be done unless i start the gambling mode all or nothing. The single real possibility I perceived is with some broker that offers this in a much more "serious" way, with real accounts only and another system of paying in terms of % of profits - the manager gets a % of profits that is, now that i think looks and sounds serious for anyone. You did not ask yourself why in the world would someone in his right mind believe that paying 100$/month can double his money in 6 months even if he has 100000$???? The concept is totally wrong, if i were an investor with a lot of capital available I would run when someone would tell me that for a fee of 20 bucks/month he will  double my 100K!!!! just do the math, lol; OK i am just pushing the amounts here but i think you get the point.

Truth is that most people look at this as gambling and expect 1000%/month and while it can be done with luck is actually equivalent with playing Russian roulette with your capital, that is why no serious investor would consider placing his capital here and because of that no real professional traders will either...just my 2 cents

Hopefully this will become a little bit more serious also since the idea is absolutely great, unfortunately coming a little to late as for years there are on the net such possibilities I`m sure we all know them, trouble is that one is counting pips like amateurs, another has no option for volume or no investors like this one. So I`m a bit confused and disappointed when I see that there's nobody around here taking this seriously, 100$ for 150% performance in 6 months? You people at MQL5 should really do something to get some real capital around here, I did not study very close his strategy as i said but there are not even comments on the fact is that besides a few traders on demo accounts trying the ocean with their finger there's nobody around here yet

As for myself I am busy trading not testing anything and I was looking for investors, I will get back here every now and then to see whats the feeling however hard to believe I will share anything more than demo testing strategies risky as hell in which I would not put my own money, as real trader I need a % of profits for my work if I am to share real strategies and make money for investors. Wrong concept here that will attract a lot of amateurs.

I respect your position, but do not agree with your vision and I see trading signals as a great service which is evolving with the providers competition for the best signals.

Note that the uncertainty of future decrease the signals price and for me there is no stable and well designed strategy with year returns exceeding 25%.

For instance, if you have a strategy with 200%/year, you don't need search for investors and 50K to transform it in miillions, since with just 1K in 10 years your equity would be near 6 millions !!!

Note also that subscribers are not required to choose only strategies with higher or top growth, but can select using various criteria and choose changing provider anytime, and I think this opens the opportunity and attracts all kind of investors with different profiles and expertises.

So, as a provider, the main challenge for me is that past performance not guarantees future performance, and this makes trading signals prices fall to a fair price, that will respect the laws of supply and demand, and that seems still unclear as I stated before. 


I respect your position, but do not agree with your vision and I see trading signals as a great service which is evolving with the providers competition for the best signals.

Note that the uncertainty of future decrease the signals price and for me there is no stable and well designed strategy with year returns exceeding 25%.

For instance, if you have a strategy with 200%/year, you don't need search for investors and 50K to transform it in miillions, since with just 1K in 10 years your equity would be near 6 millions !!!

Note also that subscribers are not required to choose only strategies with higher or top growth, but can select using various criteria and choose changing provider anytime, and I think this opens the opportunity and attracts all kind of investors with different profiles and expertises.

So, as a provider, the main challenge for me is that past performance not guarantees future performance, and this makes trading signals prices fall to a fair price, that will respect the laws of supply and demand, and that seems still unclear as I stated before. 


Yes, well I think you are right, I am, was just  a little bit disappointed about what I found here that is all but overall you are right, 200%/year is a huge performance if achieved consistently and over a relatively long period of time, supposing that one can get that he does not need investors. However I was searching for a way to hurry things as I`m a bit tired of playing with pennies
Yes, well I think you are right, I am, was just  a little bit disappointed about what I found here that is all but overall you are right, 200%/year is a huge performance if achieved consistently and over a relatively long period of time, supposing that one can get that he does not need investors. However I was searching for a way to hurry things as I`m a bit tired of playing with pennies

Thanks for the words, I believe that collaborative and competitive work and ideas here are the most relevant to build an outlier service.

By the way I hope you bring your trading signals asap to help and contribute in this sense.

be realistic, the best funds in the world, the most famous are 30% per year, I would rather say rather 20% per year, believe that you will make 1000% or 200% is nonsense, especially with MetaTrader or ask / bid is 2 pips or 1pips with slippages ..

Thanks for the words, I believe that collaborative and competitive work and ideas here are the most relevant to build an outlier service.

By the way I hope you bring your trading signals asap to help and contribute in this sense.

Thank you for the invitation but as I said I see no reason whatsoever to be here as long as my work will not be valued. If I am to share something on any signals website then I need a share of the profits no more no less, even way is acceptable but for the moment I think the only place where I want to share my work is trough my Alpari PAMM account and it is my belief that guys at MQL5 should consider implementing something similar here at least as an option so MQL5 becomes interesting for all kind of traders/investors. Quite frankly since just about anyone who has heard of forex has also heard of Metatrader I think this MQL5 Community has an extraordinary potential.

anyway, it must be proven, MetaTrader is a sytème that caters to people who have little capital, it is hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars more, it is not the million or billions of euros of hedge fund, capitalize Metatrader just allows to accumulate a net worth over time if you sentient beings in trading, I believe that large levy 20% interest on earnings, it is to 100 or 1000 or 10,000 euros, it would be more honest than the Decomposition Systems is popularized this way, we can get down to 10 to 15% gains attributed to the seller to signal that all parties are winners, it would be an honest proposal for any the world already .. the first month, nothing is gained if I understood correctly, takes a period of time, at least 3 months to see if the system is relevant signal .. otherwise I reproach partners as Webmoney are too complicated for people, whether it's a deposit or withdrawal, I am registered, a real headache and mess, and Paypal will collect fees too ... so that bank transfer costs less than 10 euros .., there were high costs with a service very average for webmoney ... , Had to choose moneyboo
Introduction to the Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
Introduction to the Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
  • 2012.07.18
  • Victor
This article serves to familiarize the reader with the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method. It is the fundamental part of the Hilbert–Huang transform and is intended for analyzing data from nonstationary and nonlinear processes. This article also features a possible software implementation of this method along with a brief consideration of its peculiarities and gives some simple examples of its use.