How Do I Find a Quality Programmer? - page 2

Not even One programmer in this forum has any spare time nor a kind enough heart to help anyone but Themselves and without $compensation nor knows any other programmer that is kind enough? Wow, so much for "giving is better than receiving" around here! My God, what has the world come too? :)

LOL, this posting cannot be meant serious? You are only making jokes, aren't you?


LOL, this posting cannot be meant serious? You are only making jokes, aren't you?

I had an interestng experience with some of the well known names on the forum and it's correct, either they are not technically or personally professionals. You just end up with a waste of time and money. I used elance last month to find EA developer and I used escrow account. I picked the guy out of three offers and he was the highest price but I felt he is much committed to his customers when he spend 2 hours before I gave him the job ...just to understand the strategy. the first schedule was within a week and after several unsuccessful trials to reach him and continues delays I decided to use elance arbitrage, they expressed how sad they are, but all what they did was a single e-mail to the guy and the response was "AGREED" and follow up from elance. I called and the response was shocking. Both elance and the developer cancelled the project without discussing with me and refunded my money. I asked to leave a feedback on their website but the response was NO because the project wasn't delivered.

I decided the best way is to learn how to develop my programs and never go back into this direction!

you're here to learn and ask and for sure you'll get a lot of help...but if you're serious about your money and time -- LEARN IT!


I understand you guys who are not programmers or cannot comfortably program.

I happen to be a programmer by occupation so it is relatively easy for me.

You can do it (program). When I was being trained to be a programmer, while I am a computer engineering graduate, some of my peers are Physical Therapy graduates ( a medical field), and they are successful as programmers now.

There are honest developers out there. I know because I am one (am I?); but I am not available now. It seems that it is really hard to find an honest programmer (as per your experience). Good luck in learning mql4. This forum will greatly help you. Search (first) your questions, then post if you dont find answers; many members here reply to help you understand mql4.

How: mql4, there is this mql4 tutorial or book here I think - which is the one I read. "". If you hit a difficult-to-understand stuff, that is normal. Just keep trying, and ask/search this forum.

2.actually that book includes a sample complete EA program. You can use it and play with it.