Angled Trendlines


Hi Eveyone

I would like to know if anyone knows how to code an angled trendline.

I am wanting to draw an angled trendline from point a to point b then point c etc,

After I have coded the angled trendlines then I would like to store the angles from each trendline and put them in an array for later us.

If anyone has any pointers that would be great





Angle and slope are synonymous.

Draw a line with a slope of 0.618 for example:

int start(){
 string name = "a";
 double theSlope= 0.618;
 int startBar = 39;
 int runBars = 7; 
 double price = Close[startBar];
 double angle;
 if(ObjectFind(name) != -1) ObjectDelete(name);
 ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[startBar], price, Time[startBar-runBars], price + (runBars * theSlope * Point));
 angle = MathArctan(theSlope)/ 3.1415965 * 180;
 Comment("The angle of line "+name+" is "+DoubleToStr(angle, 2)+" degrees");

By rearranging things a bit, you can find the angle of an arbitrary line, or draw a line at an arbitrary angle.

The angle will be "visually" correct only on a squared chart (in chart properties scale fix 1:1).



Thanks for your input, had me a lot


There is an object in MT called trendline by angle, if it is any use to you.

Trendline by angle is usable on a squared chart only. It is a "visual" angle tied to the monitor, not the chart.

A 45 degree Trendline by Angle is a visual 45 degree line on your display. zoom in zoom out or squeeze the
vertical price scale, the line stays put at a 45 degree visual angle.

Therefore, it has no relation to time or price, unless you happen to know the ratio of pips to time you have on
the chart.

The only "known" setup is 1:1, and that is useless for higher timeframes.

For trading purposes, an angle needs to be defined in terms of price and time, thus sticking it to the chart. In
that scenario, a 45 degree line is a slope of 1 unit of price change in 1 uint of time change, with units defined
by your imagination or application.



Angle and slope are synonymous.

Draw a line with a slope of 0.618 for example:

int start(){
 string name = "a";
 double theSlope= 0.618;
 int startBar = 39;
 int runBars = 7; 
 double price = Close[startBar];
 double angle;
 if(ObjectFind(name) != -1) ObjectDelete(name);
 ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TREND, 0, Time[startBar], price, Time[startBar-runBars], price + (runBars * theSlope * Point));
 angle = MathArctan(theSlope)/ 3.1415965 * 180;
 Comment("The angle of line "+name+" is "+DoubleToStr(angle, 2)+" degrees");

By rearranging things a bit, you can find the angle of an arbitrary line, or draw a line at an arbitrary angle.

The angle will be "visually" correct only on a squared chart (in chart properties scale fix 1:1).


Howdo you get the slope of the line. It says here 0.618 but how do you get that slope off OBJ_TREND?
I was hoping for a quicker solution. Does this mean I have to draw a x and y line on the middle of my trendline and then figure out the xy of it?

The geometry examples use X and Y often for the coordinate system.

Q. What is the coordinate system on a chart?

A. Time and Price -- X and Y

Ponder some more...

I did try this before:
double theSlope = (price2 - price1)/(Time[0]-Time[n]);
Not sure howto put it. Im getting 0 output.

Use bar count, not clock time