increasing lot size


I wanna increase the lot size when my balance hits a certin number, Please help here is the code

#property copyright "© 2007 RickD" #property link "" #define major 1 #define minor 0 extern string _tmp1_ = " --- ????????? ???????? ---"; extern int N = 3; extern int Lots = 10; extern int StopLoss = 4000; extern int TakeProfit = 20; extern int Slippage = 0; extern int Magic = 50607; extern string _tmp2_ = " --- ???? ??????? ?? ????? ---"; extern color clBuy = DodgerBlue; extern color clSell = Crimson; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #include #include void init () { } void deinit() { } void start() { int BuyCnt = 0; int SellCnt = 0; double lot = 1.0; int cnt = OrdersTotal(); for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic) continue; int type = OrderType(); if (type == OP_BUY) BuyCnt++; if (type == OP_SELL) SellCnt++; } if (BuyCnt > 0 || SellCnt > 0) return; //----- int up_1 = 0; int up_2 = 0; int dw_1 = 0; int dw_2 = 0; for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { if (Close[i] < Open[i]) up_1++; if (Close[i] > Open[i]) dw_1++; if (i < N) { if (MathAbs(Close[i]-Open[i]) > MathAbs(Close[i+1]-Open[i+1])) { up_2++; dw_2++; } } } //----- double price, sl, tp; if (up_1 == N && up_2 == N-1) { price = Ask; sl = If(StopLoss > 0, price - StopLoss*Point, 0); tp = If(TakeProfit > 0, price + TakeProfit*Point, 0); Buy(Symbol(), GetLots(), price, sl, tp, Magic); return; } if (dw_1 == N && dw_2 == N-1) { price = Bid; sl = If(StopLoss > 0, price + StopLoss*Point, 0); tp = If(TakeProfit > 0, price - TakeProfit*Point, 0); Sell(Symbol(), GetLots(), price, sl, tp, Magic); return; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ double GetLots() { return (Lots); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ double If(bool cond, double if_true, double if_false) { if (cond) return (if_true); return (if_false); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int SleepOk = 2000; int SleepErr = 6000; int Buy(string symbol, double lot, double price, double sl, double tp, int magic, string comment="") { int dig = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); price = NormalizeDouble(price, dig); sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, dig); tp = NormalizeDouble(tp, dig); string _lot = DoubleToStr(lot, 1); string _price = DoubleToStr(price, dig); string _sl = DoubleToStr(sl, dig); string _tp = DoubleToStr(tp, dig); Print("Buy \"", symbol, "\", ", _lot, ", ", _price, ", ", Slippage, ", ", _sl, ", ", _tp, ", ", magic, ", \"", comment, "\""); int res = OrderSend(symbol, OP_BUY, lot, price, Slippage, sl, tp, comment, magic, 0, clBuy); if (res >= 0) { Sleep(SleepOk); return (res); } int code = GetLastError(); Print("Error opening BUY order: ", ErrorDescription(code), " (", code, ")"); Sleep(SleepErr); return (-1); } int Sell(string symbol, double lot, double price, double sl, double tp, int magic, string comment="") { int dig = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); price = NormalizeDouble(price, dig); sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, dig); tp = NormalizeDouble(tp, dig); string _lot = DoubleToStr(lot, 1); string _price = DoubleToStr(price, dig); string _sl = DoubleToStr(sl, dig); string _tp = DoubleToStr(tp, dig); Print("Sell \"", symbol, "\", ", _lot, ", ", _price, ", ", Slippage, ", ", _sl, ", ", _tp, ", ", magic, ", \"", comment, "\""); int res = OrderSend(symbol, OP_SELL, lot, price, Slippage, sl, tp, comment, magic, 0, clSell); if (res >= 0) { Sleep(SleepOk); return (res); } int code = GetLastError(); Print("Error opening SELL order: ", ErrorDescription(code), " (", code, ")"); Sleep(SleepErr); return (-1);


* Takes a glance, looks away