How to coding an alert with a custom sound?

Is it possible to coding an alert with a custom sound? As far I know MessageBox fuction is cannot be called from custom indicators.
Thank you

Make or copy a sound file, example YourSound.wav, put it into /sounds directory and in your code


to play it.

If you want your little custom noise to play with the Alert(...) command, then change the sound file

name associated with Alert in the Tools/Options/Events menu item.

Thanks phy, but I already try it. What I want is to appearing a message box like an Alert fuction but with a custom sound. Any suggestion?
I'm affraid that it's not possible to call messagebox in a custom indicator

int MessageBox( string text=NULL, string caption=NULL, int flags=EMPTY)
The MessageBox function creates, displays, and operates message box. The message box contains an application-defined message and header, as well as a random combination of predefined icons and push buttons. If the function succeeds, the returned value is one of the MessageBox return code values.
The function cannot be called from custom indicators since they are executed within interface thread and may not decelerate it.

So it is not possible to do it directly from MQL4 code?