programming questions


Is there a way around the 8 indicator buffer limit in the initialazation function of a program, I need 9 t make it work, thanks for your help


Can't have more than 8 indicator buffers.


You can declare your own arrays and draw your own lines to cover for the 9th (and subsequent) items.

thanks for your help, could you give me an example of what the code would look like to do that ? thanks

you can create a 2nd indicator with the 9th buffer or break 2 inds with 4 and 5 buffers then draw them in the same window.

Hope, this is easier than creating custom arrays.


you can create a 2nd indicator with the 9th buffer or break 2 inds with 4 and 5 buffers then draw them in the same window.

Hope, this is easier than creating custom arrays.