ATC 2007 Checking EAs


I read this posting in the Russian mql4 forum. This is a AltaVista Bagel Fish (Russian to English) translation of that posting.

Why not simultaneously post English version of this important ACT 2007 information?

If before September 21, some results are published and some are not, will this not give advantage to participants who have results published?

Renat 28.08.2007 21:56
Today we neglected the system of the automatic check of all experts. Each hour is analyzed the base of the zagruzhennykh/obnovlennykh experts and checkings of the renovated experts are started.

Conditions of testing experts on terminal MetaTrader build 208 (this prebild 209):
  • Testing is conducted on server on competitive calculation 500 000 with all rules Automated Trading Championship 2007.
  • Is completely loaded minute history from HistoryCenter on 12 symbols c 1999 (all taymfreymy they are converted).
  • Test period with 2007.01.01 on 2007.08.20 with the use of the selected by participant symbol and period.
  • Is used the potikovyy type of the simulation of bars.
  • Maximum permissible time of girder - 5 minutes (on the the contemporary Xeon, AMD X2). If expert expends more than time, then he does not pass checkings.
  • All ravines in the searches for commercial errors are analyzed after girder. Errors are written in the special report about the testing, which is sent away to participant and is published in his profayle.
  • Brief report (without the list of transactions) on the test girder is published (it will begin to be published with 29.08.2007) in profayle of participant.

Yet not all results are published - bulk will be checked and published tomorrow.

It is important to note:
These checkings are not final, since after 21 September we will study checking the duplicating registrations. The reception of expert does not indicate the guarantee of admittance to the competition.

Looks like they don't want to many participant.