weird behavior of MetaEditor

Hi guys,

today I experienced a strange behavior while writing a script:

Initializing an array in a certain format screws up the compiler a little bit. That is, after compiling the following code snippet the compiler shows wrong lines when clicking on a compiler error later. i.e. when you later make a mistake in your coding and compile it and then click on the error in the compileError window it jumps to a line which is offset by a certain number of lines.

An example code snippet is this:

(I mean, it might not be the best style for coding. However, how would initialize an array like this? Do I really have to do it separately for each element of the 1st dimension or is it a bug?

string errMsg[4][5] = {
   "specified file not found!", "invalid path specified!", "bad file format!", "access to file denied", "unknown error ocurred!",
   "Global EA functionality switched off", "suspended on user's input", "", "", "",
   "waiting for script attachment", "malfunction", "all systems OK", "", "",
   "waiting for EA attachment", "malfunction", "all systems OK", "" ""
 Try initialize it separately
well, actually I don't see why you would do that. Shouldn't that work either way?