Error --> invalid array access --> structure have objects and cannot be copied



I try to do this code but appear the following errors messages:

       - invalid array access

       - structure have objects and cannot be copied

I try to do this function :

MqlParam XXXXSystem::GetParamsIndicator(int ind){

MqlParam Param[5];

return (Param);


Is possible return one Struct variable from Function ?


Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables
Language Basics / Variables - Documentation on MQL5


I try to do this code but appear the following errors messages:

       - invalid array access

       - structure have objects and cannot be copied

I try to do this function :

MqlParam XXXXSystem::GetParamsIndicator(int ind){

MqlParam Param[5];

return (Param);


Is possible return one Struct variable from Function ?


1. Next time, when posting a code, please use SRC button. It will help reading your code much easier.


2. Here the reason for "invalid array access", if - for example - the type of MqlParam is an integer type, you should tell the index of Param object and its struct member names, like this

return (Param[0].interger_value); 

Zero in Param[0] is an index for the array, and integer_value is a member of MqlParam

3. I could not correctly give answer for the other error, because you're only posting some part of your code.


Thank you very much for the reply!

I solved the problem redefining my Struct I changed variable where this kept ParamsIndicator to MqlParam! This had them stored in an array but I changed in MqlParam, I think it is better to define it in MqlParam! Easy for access and use variables with IndicatorCreate!

But the problem was commenting if a function can return a different value than (string, number,double... ) for exampel one struct. In this exampel I tried to return all struct variable (Param) . An my question was That is posible?

I'm a rookie in  MQL5 programming :).


Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Data Structures / Structure of Input Parameters
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Data Structures / Structure of Input Parameters
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Data Structures / Structure of Input Parameters - Documentation on MQL5

Thank you very much for the reply!

I solved the problem redefining my Struct I changed variable where this kept ParamsIndicator to MqlParam! This had them stored in an array but I changed in MqlParam, I think it is better to define it in MqlParam! Easy for access and use variables with IndicatorCreate!

But the problem was commenting if a function can return a different value than (string, number,double... ) for exampel one struct. In this exampel I tried to return all struct variable (Param) . An my question was That is posible?

I'm a rookie in  MQL5 programming :).


1. I consider myself a rookie too :). I don't remember all mql5 function and what the purpose of it. So I have to re-read the doc agai and again and re-test and re-experimenting with my MT.

2. Any function can only return one value, though we can manipulate it by passing parameter as reference and not by value (click here) , but since you using a struck, why don't make that struck globally-declared-struck, therefore you can access its member from anywhere.


Yes,  I can Do that (2).  I can create globally-declared-struck.

But I found that this user have sem question.

Now I having solved problem :) 

Thanks very much!!

(Bug) Functions that returns struct
(Bug) Functions that returns struct
The compilation goes with no error, but the code simply doesn't run, no error alert of any kind, the code simply does nothing.

Yes,  I can Do that (2).  I can create globally-declared-struck.

But I found that this user have sem question.

Now I having solved problem :) 

Thanks very much!!

That is called : passed by reference (notice the ampersand sign "&") ;D
jejeje I know that ! But the problem is when use in function return(struct)  :/

jejeje I know that ! But the problem is when use in function return(struct)  :/

I had a felling that I should gave an example, but I was busy at that time :(, but anyway, thanks for searching, coz I didn't search :( and gives us that link to old post  :).

That was before I become mod. 


No problem ! I'm solved problem maybe when you have time can write one exemplel. Thank you very much ! :)