CSV File delimiter : what about Tab?


When writing .csv file, the delimiter character can be ";" ',' etc. It want it to be a tabulation, but when pushing the tab key, it won't compile and gives an error saying "more than one symbol": it is interpreted as several spaces.

How can I tell FileOpen() and other such functions to use tab as delimiter?

Thank you.

fileHandle = FileOpen(fileName, FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE, "\x09");


fileHandle = FileOpen(fileName, FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE, "\x09");

"\t" is also good.

fileHandle = FileOpen(fileName, FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE, "\x09");

"\t" is also good.

Thank you both! :-)

(sry for the post above, mismanipulation)