No connection or Invalid Account

I downloaded MetaTrader4, Build 206. I finally got a login and password (took a couple of days)
and MT4 worked for about 12 hours. Went to logon the next day and got "no connection" message.
(My internet connectivity is fine.) Re-installed with no luck.

Tried using demo account server listed in this forum elsewhere and got
"invalid account" message.

Tried setting up a new account and got "no connection" message.
So far, I'm not getting a warm fuzzy feeling about using this software for
trading if a simple logon process is so difficult.

Any ideas?

No connection could means that the broker's server is down. Especially if you've succesfully logined before and there is no problem with your connection to the Internet.
Invalid account means that the account is no longer exist.
If what you are trying to do is using demo account, there is a lot brokers using MT offering demo account. For example look at this championship sponsors, or google the keywords to find other brokers.
I'd faced same problem yesterday. You can try to change the demo server to others e.g. MIG-Demo.
On how to get the server, what I did was to install webtrader in different computer and register new account.
Then I'd copy the server file( in Program Files> WebTrader 4>config> MIG-Demo. srv file) to first computer.
Then reset back the webtrader program. That's it you will connected again with different server.
SpotDemo server may have some problem.
Happy try.
How can MT4 be taken seriously if you can't do the thing it was designed to do, ie TRADE, when the server is down so often. I have a live account elseware and it is up almost continuously. Whats the go?

MT4 trades only with the Dealer you specify it to connect to.

I would blame the Dealer, not MT4 itself, for this trouble.

With whom do you have your client connected?