" GO TO " is define in mql5 ? - page 2

What to do ?

hi angevoyageur

why goto operator does not defined in mql5, and c++ have it ?


hi angevoyageur

why goto operator does not defined in mql5, and c++ have it ?

Why are you asking ? Do you need goto operator ?
Why are you asking ? Do you need goto operator ?

thank you for fast reply.

no , in this time, i could solve to find the solution.

it will be more user friendly .

& i want to know what was the limitation ? ( goto is not available )


thank you for fast reply.

no , in this time, i could solve to find the solution.

it will be more user friendly .

& i want to know what was the limitation ? ( goto is not available )

In my opinion it's not "user friendly" at all. And there is no limitation.

goto is an archaism, forgot it ;-)


In my opinion it's not "user friendly" at all. And there is no limitation.

goto is an archaism, forgot it ;-)

     , thank you for reply.


     , thank you for reply.

Actually, GOTO was necessary in structured programming languages where there were no subroutines, methods or any other delegation form. But procedural programming (and specifically an object oriented approach such as MQL5) does not need it. In fact they have removed other features from C++ which could really be useful but are usually awfully used (such as multi-inheritance). So I guess they are making decisions for us in order to focus our program development towards good programming practices. By the way, debugging programs with a heavy use of the GOTO instruction becomes a nightmare :)


Actually, GOTO was necessary in structured programming languages where there were no subroutines, methods or any other delegation form. But procedural programming (and specifically an object oriented approach such as MQL5) does not need it. In fact they have removed other features from C++ which could really be useful but are usually awfully used (such as multi-inheritance). So I guess they are making decisions for us in order to focus our program development towards good programming practices. By the way, debugging programs with a heavy use of the GOTO instruction becomes a nightmare :)

thank you


When make a program, the visualy simplify it's essecialy.

This is the first and more important position.

If is possible to solve used another way is only solution situation from another way and no more.

It´s no a crearity way.

The fanatic's "new wave" program, are a people that understand that a programer is an "intelectual super man", but a few programer's (very few) are MENSA members (It´s casual??)

The arrogance is over the inteligence in the programers.

Goto it's not necesary to survival. One car, it's not necessary to survival, a plane it´s not necesary to survival and another similar things.

It´s realy, you have an option if you like or not use goto. It´s your choice.

But, I use an "innecesary" car to go to a place to another place.

¿Do you Speak French, Wolof, Deutche? well if you think, it´s not nececesary to talk.

But, i prefer to know speak wolof in Africa, because it´s very clear for a better comunication.

No goto it's a "fanatic" concept.


Advance concept

For it´s not necessary if you ar an "super programer inteleingent man" (No MENSA member, obviously), because while is the same.

Case it´s no neccesary if you use if (a lot of if, like a lot of whiles without "goto")

In a function "()" it´s not neccesary, because an "inteligent compilator" don´t need it.

MathAbs it´s not neceesary because yo can convert a number in a string, find "." take right or left.

Cos an Sen it´s not necessary funtion, because yo can derivate this to calculate.

"+" it´s not nnecesary operator, because yo can use -*-

"*" it not neccesary operator, beacuse yo can plus again and again for each.

If I eavluate "goto" take your "necessary" use, i like to talk to get out a lot of neccesary funtions.

For example, i program in assembler, where goto function "is neccesary", because "for" is obsolete.

if you hace goto, for, while, etc are not neccesary an more fast if you don´t use "for" and "while"

If i see "goto" like neccesary or not, in first time, the 99% of another function are "primary innecesary"

If you are an "inteligent programer" you need to use 10 prymary sentences to solve all. The fanatic programers are like a fanatic "bomber man"



All mathematical function are not necessary, because you can use Taylor Series to calculate all.

¿Wich is the objetiv to use structural program use?

Clarity, no more.

You have two choice

1.- For example use 100 whiles

2.- Solve it, whit a simple goto.

A Fanatic program, dont think this, because your fanatic concept don´t see another opinnion.


¿Which is the problem to add another "inutil" sentence?