Integrating MT with Napstex software through EA

Hey all,

I'm new here, but hopefully you guys can help.

I developed some software called Napstex some time ago. The basic idea is to allow for streamlined communication between traders (open orders by user/channel, order history, chat window, etc.) While the software works fine and there is still a small group of people using it, the current version offers no integration with MT. As such users are required to enter their orders twice: once in MT and once in Napstex. I think this is a very limiting factor and most traders don't use the software for that reason.

My most recent beta release (the msi is available here) attempts to bridge this gap using an EA (available here as a text file) Napstex checks for a file created by the EA and mimics the open orders found in that file. First of all, is there a better way of doing this? Does anybody know of a way to interact with MT using .NET code? I've researched this and have found no answers, please let me know if I'm wrong.

Assuming that creating a text file though an EA or indicator is the only way to integrate the two systems, here are some of the problems I'm having. I hope you can help.

1. Many of my testers launched the EA but were never able to locate the EA output file. Using MQL is it possible for me to specify the directory that the file should be created in? That would at least make it easier to debug the problem.
2. The EA output file only holds open orders. So when Napstex notices an order has been removed from the file it closes the order using the current Napstex rate; not the actual rate the order was closed in MT. How can I modify the EA to output the last 20 or so closed orders?
3. Somebody once mentioned I should create this as an indicator instead of an EA. Do you see a reason why I should do that?

Clearly I'm new to working with MQL. And, unfortunately, the documentation seems to be limited. Any guidance with my script or for .NET/MT integration in general would be much appreciated!

Thanks all,
Every MT4 account has an investor password - log in with that one and retrieve the trades (automated of course) - that is possible.
How is that possible?  Are there assembles I can use?  Web services I can consume?
I do not know how, but this Russian site does it that way: