font size

Maybe this is easy, maybe not. For some reason unknown to me, the font size on this site has become so large it's extremely difficult to read. On my computer at the office, it's fine, but at home it's HUGE. Can someone tell me how to adjust it back down to normal?

Thanks for your inputs.

Press Ctrl - scroll your mouse
Press Ctrl - scroll your mouse
This has never worked for me - ever. What always works for me is to kill off editor -> in IE, change text size to larger then change back down to smaller *then* restart editor. BUT this is only temporary and during any timeframe you care to mention, editor goes back to 1mm text again. MetaQuotes! just *why* do you not address this???
It probably depends on your browser. I use Firefox and I can increase or decrease the font size by
View ->
Textsize -> Increase Ctrl++
Decrease Ctrl+-

So the holding the control key and pressing - at the same time will decrease the font in Firefox.
It will not decrease any graphics though.
But If you use the Opera browser it has a function where the whole screen (text, graphix and all) is dec/increased
at users discretion. Go to:
View ->
Zoom ->

It works very well.
If you use IE I would imagine that there is some default font size setting in IE and its currently set to a small font.
Find it and change it.