Return function returning 2 values ?


I have some basic skills in mql coding, but right now I have a problem/question.

I have never seen, but is it possible to have the return function to return 2 values?
If the variables were x and y, it would look something like this:
return (x,y);

The idea is to have a function within an EA that would return 2 values, or the integration in an EA of a custom indicator that returns 2 values.

Help apprectiated.


A function can take "reference parameters", which it can change values of. The declaration might look like the following:

void function(int &hi,double &ho) {
    hi = ....;
    ho = ...;
note the ampersand, &, which indicates that a parameter is a reference parameter.
The function would be invoked with variables to carry the return values:
int x;
double y;
... function( x, y ) ...
I remember there's something in the doc's about it somewhere...

H RichPlank,

Thanks, that seems to be something worth trying.

Just one clarification:
The function

void function(int &hi,double &ho) {
    hi = ....;
    ho = ...;
will it not need to have the
in the end?

And after involking the function, we can use the x and y variables (with the changed values) in an expression, as any other variable?


PS: congratulations on your system on the championship. Last time I checked it had no losing trades...impressive.
How can I contact you for a couple of questions about it?

H RichPlank,

Thanks, that seems to be something worth trying.

Just one clarification:
The function

void function(int &hi,double &ho) {
    hi = ....;
    ho = ...;
will it not need to have the
in the end?

And after involking the function, we can use the x and y variables (with the changed values) in an expression, as any other variable?


PS: congratulations on your system on the championship. Last time I checked it had no losing trades...impressive.
How can I contact you for a couple of questions about it?

The function is declared to be "void", which means that it does not return any value at all; it just returns control back to the calling place when it runs out of statements. You can also include an explicit "return;" statement, without any return value, but that's really only useful for "premature return".

The Surfer EA made a bad decision on Monday and opened a stupid trade, then stood there licking its stoploss for the best of the week, and is now sulking at a balance of $9,246 :-( Not really part of the plan, but there you have it. But the competition has been both fun and valuable for us; we have gained insight in the current state-of-the-art in EA making as well as particular's of our own system when tried under "real" circumstances. Anyhow, my email is