MT4 Monitor Service


Is it possible to build an app. which remotely monitors MT4 installations?

Here are the features I'd like:


MT4 Monitor Service

Monitors MT4 installation to ensure up and operational 24/7


Runs as service or application either on different machine or same machine as running MT4

Pings MT4 unique installation (user defined) every xx minutes (user-defined)

Logs all activity and errors

Admin notification: sends email alert to specified email address upon receipt of error

Error types

no machine response

no application response

no EA applied to any charts

data feed down

connection to broker server down


For that you should need a program like PCanywhere, that can remotely control your PC.
And if you let your MT4-application write some file, each xx minutes, you can more or less check how MT4 is doing on that PC.


For that you should need a program like PCanywhere, that can remotely control your PC.
And if you let your MT4-application write some file, each xx minutes, you can more or less check how MT4 is doing on that PC.

Thanks. I'm aware of PC Anywhere for remote desktop control. Does it also have features for checking the contents of a file (e.g. an "uptime" file spit out by MT4 every x minutes) and then acting (e.g. sending an email to admin) if the file doesn't exist and/or the contents of said file refer to some error?

If PC Anywhere doesn't go this far (I haven't heard of this), then, any other apps out there designed to do this? Or, maybe I'll have to get this all custom scripted in both MT4 and some system or external scripting (e.g. PHP).

Thanks. I'm aware of PC Anywhere for remote desktop control. Does it also have features for checking the contents of a file (e.g. an "uptime" file spit out by MT4 every x minutes) and then acting (e.g. sending an email to admin) if the file doesn't exist and/or the contents of said file refer to some error?

If PC Anywhere doesn't go this far (I haven't heard of this), then, any other apps out there designed to do this? Or, maybe I'll have to get this all custom scripted in both MT4 and some system or external scripting (e.g. PHP).

don't know if this helps, but for general purpose automation, RoboTask is really cool. It is easy to use. And if has a built-in (via add-on) basic scripting language. So if the built-in components don't suffice then you can use basic scripting.
We offer no cost MetaTrader Hosting; we provide you with your own IP and login; and you use RDC (Remote Desktop Connection), which is installed by default on every Windows XP and up version (Can be installed on earlier versions, and is also found in MacOSX and Linux).

And we have our own alert system - in case the server goes offline.

The only catch is that you need to sign up as one of our clients with our FCM (we collect IB commissions from the FCM; while providing you CTA and Hosting services for free)

Oh, and Im an NFA registered CTA as well.

www.<link removed>.com

Hi Simon,

that's an interesting offer.
Who is your FCM?




www.<link removed>.com > no broker sign up or any commitments. $25/month for your own VPS (Virtual Private Server) and features NO other hosting company can offer.


Thank for info ! My company wants to deploy server system of MT4, but I do not know what should server MT4 ! I want to know, what is the component of MT4 Server? please help me ! thank you very much!
I use to monitor my EAs. Especially since my EAs are hosted on a VPS. It sends you an email as soon as anything stops MT4 working ( which is fairly often with my VPS provider ) so you can dive in and fix it.
What does it do when your VPS provider loses Internet connectivity ? how does it let you know about that ?
What does it do when your VPS provider loses Internet connectivity ? how does it let you know about that ?

You put their indicator on one of your charts and every few minutes it pings their ( ) server. Then if your home broadband, vps or MT4 goes down or looses internet the pings stop and their server emails you with an alert about 15 mins later.

Made me stop my VPS contract when I realized how many times they go down, running EAs on a cheap dedicated home MT4 machine now. Feel more in control.