Cost of cloud computing


Hi All,

Sorry but I dont want to read through 42 pages on a forum to determine the cost on the cloud. Is this debate settled yet? how much and how can I calculate the cost to the cloud for my test? 


Hi ToolMaker,

I am using Cloud in almost every day. From what I understood: if I am making fast generic optimization so I am paying something as 0.01 credit or less but optimization is going slow (not fast); if I am making Slow Complete Algorithm optimization so it is going very fast (because all the agents are used) and ... I pay something with range 0.40 to 20 credits for one optimization (for example - I paid 0.40 today, and two days before yesterday I paid 0.73; and one week ago I paid 20.22 credits for one optimization but it was special case with very complex EA with a lot of parameters to optimize). You can see how credits are deducted in real time in Agents window so you can stop optimization with Cloud any time you want.  

You can see some optimization results with log file data incl cost - on this thread How to Start with Metatrader 5 and this thread PriceChannel Parabolic system . And basicly you need just 2 sources: this article Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network and this page (about costs and how costs calculated)


Hi All,

Sorry but I dont want to read through 42 pages on a forum to determine the cost on the cloud. Is this debate settled yet? how much and how can I calculate the cost to the cloud for my test? 

1. Can you show me the 42 pages you're talking about ?

2. Please read this MQL5 Cloud Network: Are You Still Calculating? 

How much costs one credit?