void SetLevelStyle( int draw_style, int line_width, color clr=CLR_NONE)


void SetLevelValue( int level, double value)

can draw 32 levels in an indicator, but they can only have the same style, since in SetLevelStyle, which level is not referenced.

void SetLevelStyle( int draw_style, int line_width, color clr=CLR_NONE)

Also, the level value can hardly be seen on the indicator, it is very small.

Can anyone help?


Can anyone help?


Can anyone help?
Maybe you should have asked a question instead of resurrecting a 5 1/2 year old post.

Hi Antony,

You can use #property directive, but I think is just the same. Maybe you should create object horizontal line instead.

#property indicator_level1 10
#property indicator_level8 90             // indicator_level8 is the maximum
#property indicator_levelcolor Red
#property indicator_levelwidth 2
#property indicator_levelstyle STYLE_DOT
