Need help with Alert or PlaySound?

Hi! I've read the excellent text:Secrets of MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal: Alerting System. I like the fact to be able to trigger an .exe file instead of a .wav. I need to trigger .exe from an INDICATOR either for Buy, Sell, Close Buy, Close Sell. or It says we can trigger either a .bat .exe or .vbs instead of the .wav file from the events setup window.. My idea is to have a buy alert and a sell alert trigger different .exe (macro) files. Can the PlaySound command be use to trigger .exe file from within a .mq4? I hope my question is clear? Or how to start .exe file from within .MQ4? Thank You.
If you want to buy or sell in mT4, you can just use buy or sell commands built into the lanquage no need to tirggerr playsound exe or bat files.
Hi! I've read the excellent text:Secrets of MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal: Alerting System. I like the fact to be able to trigger an .exe file instead of a .wav. I need to trigger .exe from an INDICATOR either for Buy, Sell, Close Buy, Close Sell. or It says we can trigger either a .bat .exe or .vbs instead of the .wav file from the events setup window.. My idea is to have a buy alert and a sell alert trigger different .exe (macro) files. Can the PlaySound command be use to trigger .exe file from within a .mq4? I hope my question is clear? Or how to start .exe file from within .MQ4? Thank You.

I think the answer to you should be "No", although from it appears possible to achieve something similar to what you want. Still, I also cannot see much point in trying.