account invalid? - page 2


Please try to reenter the address of our server. For this, open the Tools -> Options menu, go to the Server tab, and enter Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443 in the Server field.


I am now experiencing the same problem. The first time I used MT after installing it yesterday, it worked fine. Now, I cannot connect to the server. When I first tried to log in, under Options->Server the server is listed as "SpotTrader-Demo - SpotTrader." When I login with this server, I get a "no connection" message. If I change the server to Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443, I get an "invalid account" message. It is now 1:30 AM and I have spent over 90 minutes trying to access the server. Do I need to uninstall and re-install the program?

This is exactly what I have going on right now too. Though, my current account worked for 5 days, the two previous accounts only worked for a day or so untill this happened.

Please try to reenter the address of our server. For this, open the Tools -> Options menu, go to the Server tab, and enter Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443 in the Server field.


I am now experiencing the same problem. The first time I used MT after installing it yesterday, it worked fine. Now, I cannot connect to the server. When I first tried to log in, under Options->Server the server is listed as "SpotTrader-Demo - SpotTrader." When I login with this server, I get a "no connection" message. If I change the server to Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443, I get an "invalid account" message. It is now 1:30 AM and I have spent over 90 minutes trying to access the server. Do I need to uninstall and re-install the program?

This is exactly what I have going on right now too. Though, my current account worked for 5 days, the two previous accounts only worked for a day or so untill this happened.

Another day and still no access. If I was trading a real, not demo account, what would I do? Does this program work for anyone?

Just called Spot-trader (516)547-9317, and they said they are updating their server and sould be back on line in about 4 hours (about 5pm PST). This is only for the Demo accounts, the regular accounts are running just fine.



Here it is after midnight on the 20th, and still no access. I attempt to login multiple times from both the main screen and tools-options-server, click on rescan servers, and always get "no connection." This is just ridiculous.

It seems like I am not the first person to experience this problem. Does anyone have any experience with xtfx or ac-markets? I've just begun to practice forex trading and would like to find something reliable which this program either isn't or the company has limited or no interest in addressing user-issues.


This is exactly what I have going on right now too. Though, my current account worked for 5 days, the two previous accounts only worked for a day or so untill this happened.

Please find the new LInk Http://