account invalid?


I have registered for the championship,
and I got an e-mail with my login details.
However, when I type the login details and it does nothing. It goes back to my old invalid account (I think it expired).
Account nr. 414004,

BTW: Do I have to use the master password or the investor's?

Thank you very much
What server You've connected to? It should be
I have used that server to connect :)

that didn't work
This is a worthy issue to address. I also could not get to my account. I'm using versions of MT4 that I have on different banks (MIG, ibfx, sbfx) and I've tried changing the server settings under the options menu to match the demo.metaquotes. net:443. Each time, I get one of two errors that either the server doesn't exist, or that it's unavailable. can someone describe the procedure for pointing our MT4s to the demo server for these accounts?

I also can not logon.

for default, server settings files located in config directory with file ex-name .srv

Is it work using directory???

Another Account nr. 414004, not in range of 400 000 to 405 000 which indicated in Rules,
I see that I'm not the only one having problems.

I also have other versions of MT4 from other banks (STS Finance, ibfx). But for logging in I re-installed the software from There I found an invalid account (I think I made that 4-6 months ago).

I checked settings: Tools-->options-->server = MetaQuotes-Demo - MetaQuotes Software Corp.
When I log in I see my account nr. in the upper left corner and in the lower right corner "No connection"

And indeed, my account nr. in not in that range.

Please. Someone tell me what to do to participate

Thank you

Please try to reenter the address of our server. For this, open the Tools -> Options menu, go to the Server tab, and enter Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443 in the Server field.

Thank you.

it worked now :)
What are this accounts for? I've also got the account number with password and everything not by email though, but in the screen when I submitted the EA for the championship. Lucky me I printed the screen.

Please try to reenter the address of our server. For this, open the Tools -> Options menu, go to the Server tab, and enter Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443 in the Server field.


I am now experiencing the same problem. The first time I used MT after installing it yesterday, it worked fine. Now, I cannot connect to the server. When I first tried to log in, under Options->Server the server is listed as "SpotTrader-Demo - SpotTrader." When I login with this server, I get a "no connection" message. If I change the server to Demo.Metaquotes.Net:443, I get an "invalid account" message. It is now 1:30 AM and I have spent over 90 minutes trying to access the server. Do I need to uninstall and re-install the program?

If the one you have is spottrader demo account and password, connect it to its demo-server. Don't change it to metaquotes demo server.