Code base StringArraySuite.mqh

Code base StringArraySuite.mqh submitted 2006.07.14 not yet proof read?

Unfortunately, the code named StringArraySuite.mqh has not income at moderator yet.

To send a finished Code for a check by moderator, you should use the "send for proofreading" button.

Your monitor will display a confirmation dialog box.

After the "OK" button has been pressed, the article is given the "ready for publishing" status.

After you have performed the above actions, your code will be available for moderator to proofread.

Everything goes well using the MQL button which formats the code very prettily, when I press the "Submit" button, I then go to "My own" and the draft is listed and I then press "Please, send for proofreading" button and nothing happens, I have tried six times and if I right click and look at "Properties" they are named:
but of course nothing was sent????
but if I just copy the code straight into the editor I think you will receive it but the nice formatted header boxes are not so nice now! the code is the most important!

The downloads marked (draft) were formatted by your "MQL" button but when I pressed "Submit" went into limbo, yet when I just pasted the code into your editor and pressed the "Submit" button it appears they were received  on your side as labelled (ready  for publishing). Now how do I delete those drafts which your "MQL" program did not accept but does list them, as your program has no delete button.
Thank you for formatting my code (MT4 style), I like the sample as a script. Take care.