Likliehood of new tick interrupting EA


Is it possible for a new tick to interrupt an EA already in progress? If possible, is it probable?

If an EA is running and a new tick comes in, is the original run cut off and a new run started, or does it complete the execution of the first run first?

If the new tick will cause the first run to be cut short, and start a new run for the newest-arriving-tick, how likley is that? Are execution times so fast that a new tick would rarely come quicker than an EA would finish running? Is there a way to clock total execution time for an EA (print statement at the end? if so, is there a way to fire a print and time stamp at start and another at the end?).

Probably a silly question, but it's the sort of thing that has me worried when it pops in my head.



The EA will complete its cycle before it will see any new ticks. I have read some were that theres a way to time the the run of the code but would have to find it again. Look are the help files under the date and time functions theres a function you can use to count the millseconds of runtime.