
Retrieves the history of deals and orders having the specified position identifier.

bool  HistorySelectByPosition(
   long   position_id     // position identifier - POSITION_IDENTIFIER



[in]  Position identifier that is set to every executed order and every deal.

Return Value

It returns true if successful, otherwise returns false.


Do not confuse orders of a trading history with current pending orders that appear on the "Trade" tab of the "Toolbox" bar. The list of orders that were canceled or have led to a transaction, can be viewed in the "History" tab of "Toolbox" of the client terminal.

HistorySelectByPosition() creates in a mql5 program a list of orders and a list of deals with a specified position identifier for further reference to the elements of the list using the appropriate functions. To know the size of the list of deals, use function HistoryDealsTotal(), the size of the list of orders in the history can be obtained using HistoryOrdersTotal(). To run through elements of the orders list, use HistoryOrderGetTicket(), for elements of the deals list - HistoryDealGetTicket().

After using HistoryOrderSelect(), list of history orders available to the mql5 program is reset and filled again with the found order, if search of an order by its ticket was successful. The same refers to the list of deals available to the mql5 program - it is reset by function HistoryDealSelect() and is filled out again if a deal was found successfully by the ticket number.


//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   long  pos_id_array[];         // array for storing position IDs
//--- request the entire history
      Print("HistorySelect() failed. Error "GetLastError());
//--- collect all Position IDs from pending orders only in the array
   int total=HistoryOrdersTotal();
   for(int i=0i<totali++)
      ulong ticket=HistoryOrderGetTicket(i);
      ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type=(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE)HistoryOrderGetInteger(ticketORDER_TYPE);
      long pos_id=HistoryOrderGetInteger(ticketORDER_POSITION_ID);
      if(type<=ORDER_TYPE_SELL || pos_id==0)
      int size=ArraySize(pos_id_array);
//--- by list of position IDs in the array
   for(int i=0i<totali++)
      //--- print the header, as well as the position order and deal list
      long position_id=pos_id_array[i];
      Print("List of orders and deals for position with ID: "position_id);
   List of orders and deals for position with ID1819629924
     [0Order Sell Limit #1819629924
     [1Order Buy #1819633194
     [0Entry In Deal Sell #1794972472
     [1Entry Out Deal Buy #1794975589
   List of orders and deals for position with ID1841753970
     [0Order Sell Stop #1841753970
     [1Order Buy #1842322160
     [0Entry In Deal Sell #1817242142
     [1Entry Out Deal Buy #1817765341
//| Select history of orders and deals by position ID and            |
//| prints a list of orders and deals for the position in the journal|
bool HistorySelectByPositionProcess(const long position_id)
//--- request the history of deals and orders having the specified position ID
      PrintFormat("HistorySelectByPosition(%I64d) failed. Error %d"position_idGetLastError());
//--- print a list of position orders
   int orders_total=HistoryOrdersTotal();
   for(int i=0i<orders_totali++)
      ulong ticket=HistoryOrderGetTicket(i);
      ENUM_ORDER_TYPE order_type=(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE)HistoryOrderGetInteger(ticketORDER_TYPE);
      PrintFormat("  [%d] Order %s #%I64u"iOrderTypeDescription(order_type), ticket);
//--- print a list of position deals in the journal
   int deals_total =HistoryDealsTotal();
   for(int i=0i<deals_totali++)
      ulong ticket=HistoryDealGetTicket(i);
      ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY deal_entry=(ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticketDEAL_ENTRY);
      ENUM_DEAL_TYPE  deal_type= (ENUM_DEAL_TYPE)HistoryDealGetInteger(ticketDEAL_TYPE);
      if(deal_type!=DEAL_TYPE_BUY && deal_type!=DEAL_TYPE_SELL)
      PrintFormat("  [%d] Entry %s Deal %s #%I64u"iDealEntryDescription(deal_entry), DealTypeDescription(deal_type), ticket);
//| Return the order type description                                |
string OrderTypeDescription(const ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type)
      case ORDER_TYPE_BUY              :  return("Buy");
      case ORDER_TYPE_SELL             :  return("Sell");
      case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT        :  return("Buy Limit");
      case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT       :  return("Sell Limit");
      case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP         :  return("Buy Stop");
      case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP        :  return("Sell Stop");
      case ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT   :  return("Buy Stop Limit");
      case ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT  :  return("Sell Stop Limit");
      default                          :  return("Unknown order type: "+(string)type);
//| Return the position deal type description                        |
string DealTypeDescription(const ENUM_DEAL_TYPE type)
      //--- return the description of the Buy and Sell deals only,
      //--- since all other types do not apply to the position
      case DEAL_TYPE_BUY   :  return("Buy");
      case DEAL_TYPE_SELL  :  return("Sell");
      default              :  return("Unknown deal type: "+(string)type);
//| Return position change method                                    |
string DealEntryDescription(const ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY entry)
      case DEAL_ENTRY_IN      :  return("In");
      case DEAL_ENTRY_OUT     :  return("Out");
      case DEAL_ENTRY_INOUT   :  return("InOut");
      case DEAL_ENTRY_OUT_BY  :  return("Out by");
      case DEAL_ENTRY_STATE   :  return("Status record");
      default                 :  return("Unknown deal entry: "+(string)entry);

See also

HistorySelect(), HistoryOrderGetTicket(), Order Properties