- StringAdd
- StringBufferLen
- StringCompare
- StringConcatenate
- StringFill
- StringFind
- StringGetCharacter
- StringInit
- StringLen
- StringSetLength
- StringReplace
- StringReserve
- StringSetCharacter
- StringSplit
- StringSubstr
- StringToLower
- StringToUpper
- StringTrimLeft
- StringTrimRight
Returns copy of a string with a changed character in a specified position.
bool StringSetCharacter(
[in][out] String.
[in] Position of a character in a string. Can be from 0 to StringLen(text).
[in] Symbol code Unicode.
Return Value
In case of success returns true, otherwise false. In order to get an error code, the GetLastError() function should be called.
If pos is less than string length and the symbol code value = 0, the string is cut off (but the buffer size, distributed for the string remains unchanged). The string length becomes equal to pos.
If pos is equal to string length, the specified symbol is added at the string end, and the length is enlarged by one.
void OnStart()
See also
StringBufferLen, StringLen, StringFill, StringInit, CharToString, ShortToString, CharArrayToString, ShortArrayToString