- Build
- IsConnected
- IsDLLsAllowed
- IsTradeAllowed
- IsEmailEnabled
- IsFtpEnabled
- MaxBars
- CodePage
- CPUCores
- MemoryPhysical
- MemoryTotal
- MemoryAvailable
- MemoryUsed
- IsX64
- OpenCLSupport
- DiskSpace
- Language
- Name
- Company
- Path
- DataPath
- CommonDataPath
- InfoInteger
- InfoString
Gets the information about the free memory available to the client terminal/agent (in Mb).
int MemoryTotal() const |
Return Value
Free memory (in Mb) available to the terminal/agent.
The free memory available to the client terminal/agent is defined by TerminalInfoInteger() function (TERMINAL_MEMORY_TOTAL property).