- MathRandomNonZero
- MathMoments
- MathPowInt
- MathFactorial
- MathTrunc
- MathRound
- MathArctan2
- MathGamma
- MathGammaLog
- MathBeta
- MathBetaLog
- MathBetaIncomplete
- MathGammaIncomplete
- MathBinomialCoefficient
- MathBinomialCoefficientLog
- MathHypergeometric2F2
- MathSequence
- MathSequenceByCount
- MathReplicate
- MathReverse
- MathIdentical
- MathUnique
- MathQuickSortAscending
- MathQuickSortDescending
- MathQuickSort
- MathOrder
- MathBitwiseNot
- MathBitwiseAnd
- MathBitwiseOr
- MathBitwiseXor
- MathBitwiseShiftL
- MathBitwiseShiftR
- MathCumulativeSum
- MathCumulativeProduct
- MathCumulativeMin
- MathCumulativeMax
- MathSin
- MathCos
- MathTan
- MathArcsin
- MathArccos
- MathArctan
- MathSinPi
- MathCosPi
- MathTanPi
- MathAbs
- MathCeil
- MathFloor
- MathSqrt
- MathExp
- MathPow
- MathLog
- MathLog2
- MathLog10
- MathLog1p
- MathDifference
- MathSample
- MathTukeySummary
- MathRange
- MathMin
- MathMax
- MathSum
- MathProduct
- MathStandardDeviation
- MathAverageDeviation
- MathMedian
- MathMean
- MathVariance
- MathSkewness
- MathKurtosis
- MathExpm1
- MathSinh
- MathCosh
- MathTanh
- MathArcsinh
- MathArccosh
- MathArctanh
- MathSignif
- MathRank
- MathCorrelationPearson
- MathCorrelationSpearman
- MathCorrelationKendall
- MathQuantile
- MathProbabilityDensityEmpirical
- MathCumulativeDistributionEmpirical
The function for the simultaneous descending sorting of the array[] and indices[] arrays using the QuickSort algorithm.
void MathQuickSortDescending(
[in][out] Array to be sorted.
[in][out] Array to store the indexes of the original array.
[in] Index of the element to start sorting from.
[in] Index of the element to stop sorting at.