Selected (Get Method)

Gets the flag indicating that a graphical object is selected. In other words - if the graphical object is selected or not.

bool  Selected() const

Return Value

The state that the object, attached to an instance of the class, is selected. If there is no attached object, returns false.

Selected (Set Method)

Sets the flag indicating that the graphical object is selected.

bool  Selected(
   bool  selected      // value of the flag



[in]  New value of the flag indicating that a graphical object is selected.

Return Value

true - success, false - cannot change the flag.


//--- example for CChartObject::Selected
#include <ChartObjects\ChartObject.mqh>
void OnStart()
   CChartObject object;
   //--- get the "selected" flag of chart object 
   bool selected_flag=object.Selected();
     //--- set the "selected" flag of chart object