#define M 3000 // the number of rows in the first matrix
#define K 2000 // the number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows in the second one
#define N 3000 // the number of columns in the second matrix
const string clSrc=
"#define N "+IntegerToString(N)+" \r\n"
"#define K "+IntegerToString(K)+" \r\n"
" \r\n"
"__kernel void matricesMul( __global float *in1, \r\n"
" __global float *in2, \r\n"
" __global float *out ) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" int m = get_global_id( 0 ); \r\n"
" int n = get_global_id( 1 ); \r\n"
" float sum = 0.0; \r\n"
" for( int k = 0; k < K; k ++ ) \r\n"
" sum += in1[ m * K + k ] * in2[ k * N + n ]; \r\n"
" out[ m * N + n ] = sum; \r\n"
"} \r\n";
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
//--- initialize the random number generator
//--- fill in the matrices of a given size with random values
matrixf mat1(M, K, MatrixRandom) ; // first matrix
matrixf mat2(K, N, MatrixRandom); // second matrix
//--- calculate the product of matrices using naive method
uint start=GetTickCount();
matrixf matrix_naive=matrixf::Zeros(M, N);// the result of multiplying two matrices is set here
for(int m=0; m<M; m++)
for(int k=0; k<K; k++)
for(int n=0; n<N; n++)
uint time_naive=GetTickCount()-start;
//--- calculate the product of matrices via MatMull
matrixf matrix_matmul=mat1.MatMul(mat2);
uint time_matmul=GetTickCount()-start;
//--- calculate the product of matrices in OpenCL
matrixf matrix_opencl=matrixf::Zeros(M, N);
int cl_ctx; // context handle
Print("OpenCL not found, leaving");
int cl_prg; // program handle
int cl_krn; // kernel handle
int cl_mem_in1; // first (input) buffer handle
int cl_mem_in2; // second (input) buffer handle
int cl_mem_out; // third (output) buffer handle
//--- create the program and the kernel
cl_prg = CLProgramCreate(cl_ctx, clSrc);
cl_krn = CLKernelCreate(cl_prg, "matricesMul");
//--- create all three buffers for three matrices
cl_mem_in1=CLBufferCreate(cl_ctx, M*K*sizeof(float), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
cl_mem_in2=CLBufferCreate(cl_ctx, K*N*sizeof(float), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
//--- third matrix - output
cl_mem_out=CLBufferCreate(cl_ctx, M*N*sizeof(float), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
//--- set the kernel arguments
CLSetKernelArgMem(cl_krn, 0, cl_mem_in1);
CLSetKernelArgMem(cl_krn, 1, cl_mem_in2);
CLSetKernelArgMem(cl_krn, 2, cl_mem_out);
//--- write matrices to the device buffers
CLBufferWrite(cl_mem_in1, 0, mat1);
CLBufferWrite(cl_mem_in2, 0, mat2);
CLBufferWrite(cl_mem_out, 0, matrix_opencl);
//--- OpenCL code execution time start
//--- set the parameters of the task working area and execute the OpenCL program
uint offs[2] = {0, 0};
uint works[2] = {M, N};
bool ex=CLExecute(cl_krn, 2, offs, works);
//--- calculate the result to the matrix
if(CLBufferRead(cl_mem_out, 0, matrix_opencl))
PrintFormat("[%d x %d] matrix read: ", matrix_opencl.Rows(), matrix_opencl.Cols());
Print("CLBufferRead(cl_mem_out, 0, matrix_opencl failed. Error ",GetLastError());
uint time_opencl=GetTickCount()-start;
Print("Compare calculation time using each method");
PrintFormat("Naive product time = %d ms",time_naive);
PrintFormat("MatMul product time = %d ms",time_matmul);
PrintFormat("OpenCl product time = %d ms",time_opencl);
//--- release all OpenCL contexts
CLFreeAll(cl_ctx, cl_prg, cl_krn, cl_mem_in1, cl_mem_in2, cl_mem_out);
//--- compare all obtained result matrices with each other
Print("How many discrepancy errors are there between result matrices?");
ulong errors=matrix_naive.Compare(matrix_matmul,(float)1e-12);
[3000 x 3000] matrix read:
Compare the time of calculation with each method
Naive product time = 54750 ms
MatMul product time = 4578 ms
OpenCl product time = 922 ms
How many discrepancy errors are there between result matrices?
//| Fills the matrix with random values |
void MatrixRandom(matrixf& m)
for(ulong r=0; r<m.Rows(); r++)
for(ulong c=0; c<m.Cols(); c++)
//| Release all OpenCL contexts |
void CLFreeAll(int cl_ctx, int cl_prg, int cl_krn,
int cl_mem_in1, int cl_mem_in2, int cl_mem_out)
//--- delete all contexts created by OpenCL in reverse order