- SingularValueDecompositionDC
- SingularValueDecompositionQR
- SingularValueDecompositionQRPivot
- SingularValueDecompositionBisect
- SingularValueDecompositionJacobiHigh
- SingularValueDecompositionJacobiLow
- SingularValueDecompositionBidiagDC
- SingularValueDecompositionBidiagBisect
Singular Value Decomposition, "divide-and-conquer" algorithm. This algorithm is considered the fastest among other SVD algorithms (lapack function GESDD).
Computing for type matrix<double>
bool matrix::SingularValueDecompositionDC(
Computing for type matrix<float>
bool matrix::SingularValueDecompositionDC(
Computing for type matrix<complex>
bool matrix::SingularValueDecompositionDC(
Computing for type matrix<complexf>
bool matrix::SingularValueDecompositionDC(
[in] ENUM_SVD_Z enumeration value which determines the method for computing left and singular eigenvectors.
[out] Vector of singular values.
[out] Matrix of left singular vectors.
[out] Matrix of right singular vectors.
Return Value
Return true if successful, otherwise false in case of an error.
Computation depends on the value of the jobz parameter.
When jobv is set to SVDZ_N, the left and right vectors are not computed. Only singular values are computed.
When jobv is set to SVDZ_A, the full matrices of the U and VT vectors are computed.
When the value is SVDZ_S, truncated matrices of vectors U and VT are computed.
An enumeration defining the way to compute left and right singular vectors.
ID |
Description |
Columns U or rows VT are not computed |
All M columns of U or all N columns of VT are returned in arrays U and VT |
The first min(M,N) columns of U or the first min(M,N) columns of VT are returned in arrays U and VT |
See also
SingularValueDecompositionQR, SingularValueDecompositionQRPivot